It just happened. The world has gotten to the point where there really is no return. I realized today that even the people you think are educated, and intelligent, are actually just morons.
I stumbled across one of the most disturbing websites today... Are you fucking kidding? Just stop for 5 seconds, and before you go on your uneducated rant about homosexuality, and how you think it is wrong, just look at that web address and see the two words that can not go together. I am not an overly religious man, but I have come to understand that god does not HATE, hate is a human emotion which is derived from anger, jealousy, or ignorance. There is no other animal on the planet that can hate! There is also no other animal on the planet that destroys its environment like we do.
It is our own ignorance that is going to bring about our demise. The whole notion that being gay is the cause or the root cause of the spread of AIDS is ignorant. The concept that we CHOOSE to be gay, is also ignorant. How many straight people remember the day they went to school, and said,"Damn, I think I am going to go with the whole liking of the opposite sex, it is just going to be easier for me that way!" The way it happened for me went more like this....(Cue Dream Sequence) Grade 2, I am at my desk, and in walks Bernadette....I knew right at that moment that there was something different about her, and that I wanted to be somewhere she was all the time. (the penis tingling didn't come til later in life, but still no guy has done that for me yet.....Well, I think MAYBE L.L. Cool J did once, but I am not sure)
The religious right hides behind their thin veil of self righteousness when infact they are afraid. They are afraid of what they do not understand, and therfore they condemn it. If you want to condemn homosexuality by using the bible, please remove the context of two men laying together. The whole "womanization" of the male, by raping him is the intent behind that. For you ignorant women who feel the bible is the be all end all of how we should live our heterosexual lives, you may want to recall the part where you are second class citzens, and no better then an ox. However, I digress. I guess the whole point here, is that we allow the world to be perpetually "spun". There is this notion that CNN and Fox News reports the truth. That somehow Iran is evil for their views on Israel, yet nobody thinks Israel is evil for their views on the Palestinians. The world has been sucked in by the U.S. media to believe what they speak as the gospel, and when you go against the grain, you are an enemy of the state.
Remember that Rosa Parks was once an enemy of the state. She now lies in the Capitol Rotunda. What once was evil, is now the norm.
When we go to bed, and turn out the lights, and think we are somehow safer from terror because of Bush, or that we are doing the right thing by forcing democracy upon a country, or that when we belive the Cubans are oppresed because Fox News says so, that perhaps we need to talk to a terrorist, or an Iraqi, or a Cuban, and ask what they really want, how they really feel. It would be an interesting conversation when you find out that we infact are the terrorist to them. We are imposing our will on them, and we feel that because it is good for us, that it is good for them.
Allow me to impose upon you. Live one day of your life at the whim of someone else to whom you consider an opposite.. Eat as they eat, pray as they pray, do as they do. If you discover it doesn't work for you, imagine what it would be like to be told by an army, that this is how your life will be. ACCEPT IT.
How far from being termed a "Terrorist" are you?