The World According to Me

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Perspective and Slant

I heard an interesting comment today...Without getting into quotes and whatnot, the line went something like this...."Well the news is being told from a conservative perspective on that channel."

Perspective? Are you kidding me?

The news is SUPPOSED to be facts. Not perspective, slant, or slight of hand! Sure it is naive to believe that the news is not being told in one slant or another, but for the population to accept that the "News" they receive is not fact, but a spin on events is frightening.

News Flash! Hurricane approaching Texas, millions evacuated! (that is news)

News Flash! Hurricane approaching Texas, millions evacuated by inept appointees of George Bush! Thousands Dead!(Left Wing Slant)

News Flash! Hurricane approaching Texas, millions evacuated! Many believe the storm was sent by god to kill the left leaning homosexuals of the world. Only God, and the Republicans can save you now! (Right Wing slant)

Sad world we live in, when even the world news is sent to us with a political agenda. Freedom of Speech is just as important as the freedom to be fed the truth, so that we can make educated opinions for outselves. God forbid the governments of the world let us be informed. We may ask the hard question, for which they can't, or choose not to answer.

Friday, October 28, 2005

It's Official....

It just happened. The world has gotten to the point where there really is no return. I realized today that even the people you think are educated, and intelligent, are actually just morons.

I stumbled across one of the most disturbing websites today...

Are you fucking kidding? Just stop for 5 seconds, and before you go on your uneducated rant about homosexuality, and how you think it is wrong, just look at that web address and see the two words that can not go together. I am not an overly religious man, but I have come to understand that god does not HATE, hate is a human emotion which is derived from anger, jealousy, or ignorance. There is no other animal on the planet that can hate! There is also no other animal on the planet that destroys its environment like we do.

It is our own ignorance that is going to bring about our demise. The whole notion that being gay is the cause or the root cause of the spread of AIDS is ignorant. The concept that we CHOOSE to be gay, is also ignorant. How many straight people remember the day they went to school, and said,"Damn, I think I am going to go with the whole liking of the opposite sex, it is just going to be easier for me that way!" The way it happened for me went more like this....(Cue Dream Sequence) Grade 2, I am at my desk, and in walks Bernadette....I knew right at that moment that there was something different about her, and that I wanted to be somewhere she was all the time. (the penis tingling didn't come til later in life, but still no guy has done that for me yet.....Well, I think MAYBE L.L. Cool J did once, but I am not sure)

The religious right hides behind their thin veil of self righteousness when infact they are afraid. They are afraid of what they do not understand, and therfore they condemn it. If you want to condemn homosexuality by using the bible, please remove the context of two men laying together. The whole "womanization" of the male, by raping him is the intent behind that. For you ignorant women who feel the bible is the be all end all of how we should live our heterosexual lives, you may want to recall the part where you are second class citzens, and no better then an ox. However, I digress. I guess the whole point here, is that we allow the world to be perpetually "spun". There is this notion that CNN and Fox News reports the truth. That somehow Iran is evil for their views on Israel, yet nobody thinks Israel is evil for their views on the Palestinians. The world has been sucked in by the U.S. media to believe what they speak as the gospel, and when you go against the grain, you are an enemy of the state.

Remember that Rosa Parks was once an enemy of the state. She now lies in the Capitol Rotunda. What once was evil, is now the norm.

When we go to bed, and turn out the lights, and think we are somehow safer from terror because of Bush, or that we are doing the right thing by forcing democracy upon a country, or that when we belive the Cubans are oppresed because Fox News says so, that perhaps we need to talk to a terrorist, or an Iraqi, or a Cuban, and ask what they really want, how they really feel. It would be an interesting conversation when you find out that we infact are the terrorist to them. We are imposing our will on them, and we feel that because it is good for us, that it is good for them.

Allow me to impose upon you. Live one day of your life at the whim of someone else to whom you consider an opposite.. Eat as they eat, pray as they pray, do as they do. If you discover it doesn't work for you, imagine what it would be like to be told by an army, that this is how your life will be. ACCEPT IT.

How far from being termed a "Terrorist" are you?

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

10 minutes of anarchy please!

This will not be the most politically correct post. I am sure most people don't expect me to be politically correct, but regardless. This could ruin my chances at ever running as an elected official.....

There is a local family crying because their son was killed by a police officer during a high speed chase involving a stolen vehicle. The stolen vehicle RAMMED THE POLICE CAR, and the police officer fired shots into the vehicle, killing the passenger. The family has every right to grieve their loss, and we as a society should grieve with them, however the problem lies with the fact that they are blaming the officer for their childs death. This teenaged boy steals a car with a friend, and they attempt to ram a police car to get away. I won't get into the parenting issues that led a child to think stealing a car was appropriate, but when you now use the car as a weapon, you should expect a weapon to be used on you. Even a teenager can comprehend tit for tat. We all make choices in our daily lives that keep us from, or put us in harms way. When harm comes upon us for making poor choices, we need to take responsibility for that, not try to pass that on to someone else.

The Progressive Conservative Party is now bitching and moaning on the radio saying the Liberals are trying to dilute the bills that Chuck Cadman had championed. He was going on and on about how they would not stand for this, and that they were making a mockery of this great friend of theirs. I like how the PC party treats friends, and effectively tosses them from their party. I like how they left him twisting in the wind, and only after he ran as an independant, and has since passed away, that now they are pounding their fists supporting him. It makes me sick when people try to use the deceased as a platform. The deceased has no way of speaking. The fact you were once in the same party as this man, gives you no right to speak for him, or make illusions to speaking for him. Leave that to his famly. Perhaps, I should have the right to speak for him as well, seeing as how I went to school with both his children. As such, I would say this.

Stephen Harper, resign! You are clearly making a mockery of your racist party. Paul Martin, please sign the appropriate legislation in a timely fashion, and enhance the ability of our police to handle the youth and extend appropriate penalties.

Thats about it really. Nothing deep and profound, and no thumping of the chest, and I am not trying to drum up pre-election support....Oh if only I caught the name of the MP who was name dropping. I would to my best to bring his ignorance to light, alas, I did not, and he sleeps well tonight.

So lastly, when the police have to deal with street racers, drug dealers, and pimps, I suggest we implement a 10 minute anarchy rule, just once a year, so that they can deal with these people in an anarchistic fashion, and the problems of society could be diminished. Sure, this opens Pandoras Box, but hey, it isn't like we havent peeked in there every now and again anyhow.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Soft Wood, Heavy Hands.

Let me get this right.....You send Condie up here to tell us to relax, and not worry about things. That we should come to the table and negotiate a settlement? about this for an opening sortie by Canada. "Gimme my god damned money back, before I cut the flow of oil, water and electricity to your god forsaken country!"

At the end of the day, we are only talking about 5 billion dollars. Now to the average Joe, that is a large sum of money, but to the average government, that is not even a drop in the bucket. It is more a section of a ripple created by a drop in the bucket. The problem I have with this whole thing is that we have won SEVERAL cases relating to these tariffs, and the Americans do not seem to want to adhere to the rulings. What this tells me, is that the Americans will not play by the rules that are set out in our agreements, so when push comes to shove, they are going to shove, and take what they want, as opposed to play nicely. SO! Let's shove back. I think it is time we look at expanding our trade agreements with China, India, Russia, and the like. Why be reliant on the U.S.? Sure, it is a matter of convienience with the border being where it is, but it is time we sever or reliance on the beast, become a big boy, and get out from Mother Americas apron. So, shut down the pipelines. Shut down the passages they use illegally in the north and the west coast with their subs, and shut down the electricity we send them. Sure, I realize that escelating a trade war with the U.S. will demolish our economy, but hell, if we did it for just a few days....or even just restricted oil flow to 50% and electricity to 50% on busy days, all of course by "accident" or "computer error". I wonder if they would send Condie telling us to behave, or if they would actually come to the negotiating table with my cheque for 5 billion.

George, wanna know why the Democrats put in the next president....its because of you, and that CIA leaking asshat Cheney....thats why.

Why don't hurricanes hit Presidential homes?

Sunday, October 23, 2005

The invisibility of existance.

Have you ever really thought, "How would the world change if I was not here tomorrow"?

If you think about it, the fact that astounds me is just this....Nothing would change.

Sure, a few people would cry, and even fewer would grieve for a long time, but really, in the grand scheme of things, nothing would change. The sun would still rise, the work day would still go on, and your friends and family would adjust, and continue. I guess that is where religion comes in to play. The moment you realize you are not as important as you think you might be. You really need to cling to the fact that there is more to life on earth, then just this. If there is no afterlife, and everything just fades to black, our daily interactions become more important. The minutes we spend hiding, sleeping, not engaging with others, are moments lost, and never to be found again. If you are a believer in the afterlife, you have nothing to worry about. You can continue your life on earth acting as though your interactions are inconsequential, and that if tomorrow doesn't come, you have the afterlife to make things up to the ones you love. The fact of the matter might just be, that you need to spend the time with the important people now, because when the curtain falls on your futile life, you may have nothing left to offer anyone.

Nevermind the fact, that if there is a heaven, there has to be an awful lot of mosquitos there.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Legislation and the Hypocrisy of Government

Funny thing Government is. You take an elected group of men, who are supposed to be our leaders, and yet when you put them in a room together to draw up a piece of legislation, it takes them years and years to get it done, and in the end, it is the same piece of legislation that was originally in place, merely reworded, and ineffective. Take the Young Offenders Act. How many years have we heard there will be changes to the Act, and yet, we are still unable to prosecute teens as adults, in their adult crimes. The Act hsa remained basically the same, and the legislators blame the judges, and the judges blame society, and society blames the television. The last time I checked, the television didn't vote.

Now let me get to my point. Gordo is sitting in his little office on the island thinking up new and exciting ways to screw women around further. So he comes up with legislation teachers back to work. It should be noted at this time, that the BCTF is made up mostly of women, as is the HEU. In both cases, he had created a masterful piece of legislation out of thin air, and rammed it into law in a matter of days. NOT YEARS. DAYS. So with power like this, why is it that the Status Quo is the way to go. Gordo only has one sole ambition, and that is to break all unions. Regardless of where you stand on the Union vs Management issue, a few simple points need to be established. The Union is only as defiant as the management is inept. You do not hear about well managed companies having problems with their unions, or having unions certify in their workplace. Secondly, since we live in a democracy, we have the right to be treated equally. Unfortunately Gordo feels that union workers are second class citizens and a drag on society. That mentality shows you his inept management skill. Every employee is a person, with needs, and a voice that should be heard. When you have a union in place, you have collective bargaining, and that is how these disputes are settled. When we dismantle the concept of Collective Bargaining, and tear up contracts that were already bargained for in good faith, we have lawlessness on the side of the lawmakers. I have yet to see them be held in contempt of the court. This can never happen, because they are in essence the court, and those who make the rules.......

So at the end of the day we have established the following points.

Gordo is an inept manager, and leader.
Unions are whiney, however they are here so they must be dealt with through collective bargaining.
The Liberals intend to sell BC to corporations, and leave the people left holding the shortfall.
(Corporations dont buy money losing ventures. Once all our profitable government owned corporations are sold, we will not have the counter balance of red and black ink.)

*Why do the morons of the world end up as our leaders. George, Jeb, Gordo, Arnold, is scary really. I guess the scarier part is that 50% of the population votes for them

Monday, October 17, 2005


It just happened. I am pretty excited really.

I can't believe it took this long, and I can't believe that it took Scott Stevens, a retired NHL'er to do it, but it just happened. I am officially STOKED about hockey.

Check this out, it will do the same for you!

I only have a problem with the Kariya hit, but he came back to play later, so it is all good.

Busy Weekends....

My goodness, Rocky 6 is coming. This should be a great movie about a punchdrunk middle aged man coming back into the ring to make a few more dollars, and to try to find his manhood again. Wait, they could just be writing the story of George Bush, with only a few liberties. Clearly he is unable to box, but he is punchdrunk, and he is trying to find his manhood.....Oh that was too easy. Poor George, he is just such an easy target, I should refrain and maybe pick on his protege Cheney. Speaking of which, where is that guy? I swear to god he has been dead for the last 5 years, and nobody noticed.

The Angels were robbed. I am not going to go on about it for ever, but PLEASE, when you punch the guy out, he is OUT!

The Canucks are playing like panty wearing 12 year old boys. I remember what I played like while wearing panties at 12, so I think I can critque this one! Pansies I tell yah...pansies!

I apologize for the lack of eloquence in my rant today, I am merely in the midst of trying to survive planning a wedding. If you think it is easy, go get engaged and plan one...oh, and try to do it in a rush too, it only adds to the fun. Dec 3 is coming fast. I hope both of us are alive when that day comes. I am pretty sure she was sitting over me with the pillow when I woke up this morning.....Luckily I know that if I push my thumb into her armpit I will be safe....Muahahahahahah I shall overcome!

Hi, Teachers. Go back to work, and make a different point now. Oooh, and BCGEU, I hope you fall flat on your face and get your typical 0,0,0 raises again. I told you 5 years ago to walk when they started tearing up contracts, and now it is just too late. Good job George Heyman. You were an inept leader then, and you are a bigger clown now.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Global Detachment

Wow. So here we sit, watching the return of hockey, the baseball playoffs, our weekly Monday Night Footbal game, and Cramer's Mad Money. I am bitching and moaning because I finished 8th in my baseball pool, ecstatic because I am currently breaking away in my football pool, and relishing the fact that at any moment my latest stock pick could make me a substantial amount of money. I am pissed off that I have to get up at 5:45 and go to a job that I don't love, that I am in a townhouse that always seems to be a work in progress, and I don't do anything about it, and that I missed out on making 45,000 on the last stock I should have bought, but didn't. Then the news comes on....They pull a 4 year old boy out of the rubble in Pakistan, he is so confused, and in a state of utter shock that he can't eat, or drink anything. He is in the arms of people who love him, and he is oblivious to everything going on around him. There is utter chaos surrounding him, and he is calm. Eerily calm.

It is in that split second of looking into this childs eyes that it hits me. I am on the other side of the world, and there is nothing I can do. There is a feeling of utter helplessness that is passed on to me through his eyes. I feel at that moment like opening my wallet, and giving all that I can. In those moments though , I come to a monumental moment of reality. My money will never get there. If my government, or the U.S government REALLY wanted to do something about this, they could. How many troops are stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq right now. The war on terror is supposed to be about saving lives, and giving people something to live for. You have the troops, the equipment, the ability to save lives, yet we let them die. Explain to the Pakistani family that has lost everything, that luckily, they are free from the terror of Sadaam, or Osama. I am sure they prefer that, over the help of uncovering their burried children. According to Bush, God wanted him to invade Iraq. Let's for one moment pretend that this is Gods will. Perhaps the bigger picture of Gods will was to have the man power in place for when the tsunami hit, or when this earthquake hit. Russia, France, Germany, you stand idly by watching the Pakistani people die. Send your money, send your trade agreements, but for the love of God, send people NOW. I do not for the life of me understand how a dollar bill will rebuild the life of the 4 year old boy. When all he really needs is to be held, and reassured, that someone will be there to take care of him today, tomorrow, and for the rest of his youth.

Shame on my government, shame on George Bush, and shame on us all for not doing something other then blindly sending money to the cause of the day.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Sweet Jesus!

I was meandering through the back alleys of the internet today, and came upon another reason I am glad I am Canadian.

Florida it seems has enacted a new law. Jeb has really managed to reach the heights of brilliance with this one. In Florida, you are now allowed to shoot first, ask questions later. The law works like this. If you feel threatened, and reasonably believe that you will face death or grave bodily harm, you may shoot to kill. What they have removed is the flee first portion of the old law. So now, you do not have to simply step on the gas, and drive away, or exit out the side door. You can now just shoot. Wonderful really. Feel free to check out this link if you think I am kidding

Of course, there are the Americans who are standing by their Second Ammendment Right, the right that their country was founded on, the right to bear arms. The part they forget, was that when their country was founded, they were under imminent attack. They were revolting against the British, and were in the midst of war. Granted, the British are pretty wiley, and they could right now be planning their return to overthrow the sleeping Americans, however they are only deterred by that pesky Second Ammendment. The ignorance of the entire situation though is what really gets to me. Both sides of gun control are so polarized, that neither is smart enough to see the reality of the situation. Rifles are for hunting, so keep your rifles. Lock them away so your children do not shoot eachother. Handguns are for killing people, so unless you are a cannibal, and are a card carrying member of the American Cannibals Association, you really shouldn't be out hunting people. Why are there no biometric locks on triggers. Why does your rifle have to be fully automatic when hunting deer? Are they shooting back? Mind you, I guess it is pointless to rant. The NRA has more money and can spread their message better then this blog. I won't even begin to go on about how neither side is going to change the mind of someone on either side of the equation, it would just be nice if the two sides would agree to disagree, and come to terms with the reality of the situation. SOMETHING needs to be done, in order to keep innocent children from dying daily. Mind you, I guess some kids dying daily, is a fair price to pay to know that Jeb has a gun and can protect his family from the roving gang of thugs in his neighborhood. Hey Jeb, if you shoot like you govern, you might just want to call 911, at least that will be effective.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Taco Del Mar. Taco Del No More!

Being the wonderfully caring guy I am, I stopped in at Taco Del Mar to get a Super Burrito for the cute girl I live with. So, I go in, and it is clearly, a new employee, and a new location. So, I am not expecting speedy service by any means. I patiently wait, while she explains she has never even tried the food there, and that she doesn't actually know if they have the pork or not. Blah blah blah, finally she sees that there is pork, so we begin the burrito making process....the short version is she proceeds to ruin the first one, so she makes another. I should point out, that I went in at 11:30 am, and the clock on the wall reads 7:45. I should have known right there, but I digress....anyhow, she makes the second burrito after botching the first, and I attempt to pay via my bank she proceeds to swipe, and swipe, and cancel, and go through the main menu, and swipe...the clock on the wall is now reading 8:05. We try the Visa, she swipes, not such luck. So she calls her manager. The manager asks her if I have cash. Clearly this person is gifted, why didnt we think of that..CASH, of course! I dont have cash on me you moron, so the manager on the phone says,"Tell him to go get some cash." Bahahahahaha yeah, ok, I am going to run right over to an ATM, and come back to pay for this service. Sounds like a plan Stan. Needless to say, I left didn't return with cash, and the pork burrito is probably sitting there waiting for me. So, for the 30 minutes I wasted at Taco Del Mar, there idea was to tell me to come back with cash. Had they only just given me the damn burrito, I would be singing their praises, now however, I am telling you, do not go to the Taco Del Mar in Fleetwood. I know I won't be. Too bad too, the cute girl I live with LOVES that place and we would have spenta bundle there.
You lose Taco Man!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Political Inklings

You are a

Social Liberal
(60% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(31% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

Political Leanings

You are a

Social Liberal
(60% permissive)

and an...

Economic Liberal
(31% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test

Thursday, October 06, 2005

I know....

They aren't in order, but I dont know what happened. So I am not going to edit it, or respond to anyone pointing that fact out. Thank you, and goodnight!


Shock and awe.
Scorched earth, left barren by the retreating masses.
Pressing forward, guns drawn.
Democracy is a package formally delivered by the people.
Now it arrives from the barrel of a gun.
Millitary rule, from a foreign government.
Freedoms taken and not returned.
Democracy screams to be heard,
she is lost in the shuffle.
Terrorist for fighting an occupying country,
martyr for killing the innocent.
The battle lines drawn.
The seeds of Democracy will never be planted.
The Phoenix will rise from the flames of discontent.
There can be no victor, when all have lost.


Masterful illusionist.
Deceptively sincere
Your elusive meanderings within my mind
leave a trail of hopes and dreams.
Your image fades in and out,
like the ebb and flow of a tide.
Forming pools of desire,
and waves of passion.
The tranquility only broken by the realization
that the tide will flow out again.
Leaving me alone with my thoughts, and the
images of you in my mind.


I am who you want me to be.
I do what is expected of me.
For her I am one thing, for him another.
You dare not ask me what I think, for fear I may tell you.
Your selfishness dictates my response.
Why ask?
You know I am going to say what you want to hear.
You try to keep me pinned down to what you need,
without a second thought to what it is I crave.
You are too afraid to look behind the mask.
The truth can never be revealed.
My truth lies within my soul.
Revealed only to those who seek it.
For all the faces I have shown,
Not a single one has been my own.


The infinite chase.
The intricate dance we do; one step forward, two steps back.
You allow me close enough for hope,
Yet far enough away to keep me guessing.
I am not something to be toyed with.
Accept me for who I am, or cast me aside.
Love knows no bounds, and is limitless,
it is not patient, and can only wait so long.
The end approaches, there are two paths to choose.
One is with me, the other unknown.
One littered with obstacles, and paved with gold.
The other.....


The shapeless darkness that I have become envelopes your being,
Leaving nothing behind to salvage.
I will not let you from my grasp.
I sink my fangs into your heart and my claws rip at your belly.
I will inflict pain like you have never felt. You will want to die.
All the while I bathe in your misery.
I am the nightmare of what you had, the dreams of what you can never have.
I am your world now, you cannot escape me. I will be the constant reminder.
I am your life companion, nothing can save you.
Wrap yourself around me, entwined we are one.
A shy hello, a simple smile, you start to blush.
I begin to fade....

Rage against the machine....

Hi. Look, I see you here at work all the time, and you always say hello, or something mundane. I just thought I should put it out there that I don't like you. I don't want to get to know you, and you actually kind of scare me. Sure, you are a hard working girl, doing security for the parking lot here, but you really don't strike me as being the kind of girl I want to get to know better. Let's not even bother with the fact I am taken, lets just go with the fact that you wear the same jeans everyday, and you have worn that pink tank top for 3 days in a row. I dont notice you because you are attractive, I notice you becaue you are the somewhat obese girl where the jeans with shiny shit on them, and a neon pink tank top that appears to have some sort of white tye dye look going on it. I don't want to be mean or anything, but maybe shower, and lower your standards. I am sure there is a really nice guy doing security at the mall that is totally into the same stuff you know....D&D, transformers, and keeping the world safe from car theives. Keep up the good work though, we have only had a break in on the vehicles everyday for the last few weeks. I would hate to see the crime rate if you top notch people weren't on the job.

Wow, who knew I held such odd thigns in my head....Oooh baseball, football, hockey, and soon NBA all on tv. Normalcy is returning....I missed you Normalcy. Welcome home.

Blessed are the cheesemakers.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Public Service Announcement.

So I saw The Corpse Bride tonight. Tim Burton! Can't be too bad right? WRONG. It was horrible. Now don't get me wrong, I love my soon to be wife, she is a great girl, but sometimes she picks bad movies. I mean, there were a few redeeming qualities to The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, but this last one, not so much so. It is a cartoon...and a just wasn't that good. However, because she is the mother of my child, I will sit through these movies and try to find something good in them. So...the good thing about the movie....Well....the cartoon brides were pretty hot. Depp is always good in anything (aside from Edward Scissorhands). Lastly, and not at all the least, is that it did have a guy in it that looked a lot like John Lithgow, and that dude is just plain funny to look at anyhow!

So, on that note, there is a Canucks game on, and I still don't care. So I think I will fix a drink, and call it a night.

Oh yeah...Boston Pizza, you have lost a customer. Jack up your prices like that, and you are going to lose more then cheap me! Jeebuz! It's Boston Pizza, not the Ritz Carlton!

I was dreaming when I wrote this, forgive me if I go astray.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

U.S. Supreme Court Nominee

So here we go again....Bush is pushing his conservative agenda via equal rights this time. Funny thing equality is. The key portion of that word being equal, not so much the ity. Equal is defined as Having the same quantity, measure, or value as another. This I cannot disagree with, and you will find I never disagree with Webster and his fine dictionary, however, the problem with Bush's equality, is that it really isn't all that equal. Sure, he is pushing for a woman on the Supreme Court. Bravo, equality, right? No, not so much so. (I know some of you will be annoyed when I answer my rhetorical questions, but really, there aren't too many of you reading this, so it isn't a concern as of yet.) You see Bush is now going to place a right wing religious zealot on the Supreme Court, which is great if you happen to be a wealthy white middle aged American male. Not so great if you fall into the category of any minority. Funny thing the minority groups. If they just banded together, they would actually be the majority, but neither the Republicans, or the Democrats have tapped into that market fully. Pity really. Anyhow, don't let me ramble on the Democratic shortfalls yet, back to my point.....Bush hides behind his Equality push here all the while he is discriminating against gays. Sure, you aren't gay, and neither are most of your friends so why do we care? Hell, as long as he ain't screwing with me, its all good! However, it wasn't that long ago, that the middle aged well to do white male was screwing with the women, and the people of any colour in their fine nation. Somewhere along the line, the women said, "No more!" so the white man backed down, then people like Martin Luther King said "No more!" and the white man had nothign left to blame the woes of the day on. So he turned to the only thing he had left. He couldn't persecute the Jews again, that would just be wrong by world standards. The people of various ethnic backgrounds around the world were converting to Christianity, and Catholicism mighty quick, so they had to leave them alone, because it is the religious right that keeps them in power. Who was left....who...who....who.....Oh I know...that girly guy over there, let's pick on him! He isn't going to stand up for himself, and he doesn't have a lot of friends to help him. As far as the bible goes, God hates him, so this is a slam dunk!
Oh how I love when someone like George W comes to power. Everything just seems to have clarity. I mean look how easy that is. A scapegoat is born. So now Katrina is the fault of the gays, because of that big parade. Oh, and God is mad at the gays because they are sinners, so he made AIDS. Yeah, I bet God is loving every minute of this. I know my all knowing diety has concerns over who I am cavorting with in my bedroom. George, you know, that war in Iraq? Saddam said he was making WMD's to destroy the gays of America, and that the World Trade Centre was because there was a gay couple inside. I am sure there are a few more things you can blame on them too. I mean why not? They only make up 10-15% of your country. Why not ostracize them! (This is the point where I REALLY REALLY want to point out the fact that Bush won the election by only a few electoral votes. If the Democrats would just make a small gesture toward the Gay and Lesbian vote, the elections would be Democratic landslides, however, I won't mention that in this post) I guess the point of my rambling is really rather clear. Quit discriminating. Republicans wearing white sheets, and chanting WHITE POWER need to be a thing of the past. The brainwashing has to stop, and we need to protect Canada from the same mentality creeping across the border. This is why Stephen Harper is a dangerous man.
I will end this post with a retraction of sort. Kanye West was NOT right, Bush doesn't hate Blacks. He hates poor people. (Condie asked me to retract that statement)

Monday, October 03, 2005

MNF, Beer, and Blowjobs

It is one of the things that women just do not understand. The three go hand in hand in hand. You really can't enjoy any of the one to the fullest without the others. Granted, any one of them alone is acceptable, but you need all three for maximum effect. It is very similar to Louisianna right now. Sure, the hurricane was devestating, the levees broke, and FEMA was inadequate with its response. Any one of the items occuring, is an effective way to damage a city, but when combined, they create a perfect catastrophe. It is simply a matter of multiples. Now the Saints have nowhere to play. Why do we worry about the Saints at this time? I don't actually know. I am sick of hearing about how a sports team doesn't have home field advantage. As though somewhere there is a man in a flooded home in Louisianna just livid because the Saints are going to have to face unfriendly stadium noise. I mean sure, he has lost his home, his family, and his entire life, but he could probably manage just one more sad day if only he knew his Saints were ok.

Priorities people..... Blowjobs, Beer, and LAST Monday night football.....Jeezuz, get it straight!

And so it begins....

This will not be your normal run of the mill Blog. Infact, you will find typos, grammatical errors, and many ramblings of inconsequential meaning. It will however be a blog that peers into the mind of someone who cares too much, and too little all at the same time.

I won't bore you with the minutia of my existance, I will however vent on the issues of the day. There is nobody who is safe from the commentary, and those in public view will face the brunt of my verbal assaults. Politicians, religious figureheads, and all the self interest groups that make up our world will be targeted, exploited, and chuckled at. I will post my opinions, and I will enjoy the comments posted by all, however do not expect to change my mind, as I do not expect to change yours.

I open now with a brief statement of what I consider to be fact.....

Kanye West is right, Bush hates blacks. Democracy is not a system of government to be imposed. It is born from the struggles of the individuals, not the struggles of the occupying forces. Stephen Harper is a dangerous person. The New England Patriots are a dynasty in decline. The Red Sox will not repeat. I am Canadian, hockey is about to begin, and I dont care. The world is clearly not in balance if a Canadian doesn't care about hockey. Seattle needs a new monorail system. California needs a politician as a Governor, not an Actor. Oil companies are price gouging. Religion is a freedom, it is not a system of Government. Fox News is perhaps the cornerstone of the evil empire. Jimmy Buffet is better then you think, and lastly....NAFTA needs to be retooled or completely scrapped. I want my softwood tariffs back!