The World According to Me

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Food is my friend...

What a great idea....A Taste of Vancouver!

I am going to head downtown today, and eat my face off! All for the low low price of....50 cents to 3 dollars per sample. How do they stay in business? Actually, who cares, as long as the food is good. Today I am going to sample new foods I have never had before. I may also have a burger just because it is supposed to be the towns greatest burger. We shall see.

Hey...this one wasn't a negative post. I rawk!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

These are a few of my most hated things....

I don't know if you can sing this to the tune of "Favorite Things", but feel free to try.

Star Jones Reynolds and War Memorial Pissers. Cop shooting bastards and fathers that help them. Zoos that breed and kill giraffe younglings. These are a few of my most hated things!

Ignorant people. Red light runners. Smokers, and spitters, and people that litter. Ignorant people who just want my change. Go get a job and wash off that damn mange!

Girls who wear camouflage and the boys who do love them. Olives, tomatos, and Idols with no rythym. These are a few of my most hated things!

When the car breaks. When my sink plugs. When I can't close my eyes. I simply try to forget these things. For these are the things I despise.

You is really hard to keep doing it with other things to kind of fit. Especially when I am doing it off the top of my head, however, if you listen to the song, all they do is repeat anyhow, so all in all, for a few minutes of my time, off the top of my head, this was an adequate job.

With a little trying, and the song playing at the same time, you can really get it to fit.

Anyhow. Israel. not fall for the madness. If you buy into the Lebanon issue, you are forgetting the bigger picture here. Iran.

Draw the line, it goes right back to Iran. The Middle East is about to get mighty hot. I won't be surprised to see the desert turn to glass in the coming months.

Mushroom clouds are in our future once again. What a lovely time to bring a child into the world.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Greater Vancouver Zoo

Welcome to the Greater Vancouver Zoo. You may remember it as a child being called the Vancouver Game Farm.

Things have changed a lot since the days of the game farm. Now here at the Zoo, we like to kill hippos and torture baby giraffes! Yes that's right. Why let these animals, that are so large and cumbersome survive. They only eat far too much food, and make far too much of a mess for our employees to clean up. So what we have decided to do is start an animal concentration camp. One where we will let Darwinism take full effect. Only the fittest will survive, and of course the ones we do not to any strange testing on. Right now, we are actually mating geriatric giraffes! This is great fun. The kids will love to see the suffering animals. Bring them all down, and if you are one of the lucky few you might just get to watch an animal die right before your eyes!

All this and more is waiting for you at the Greater Vancouver Zoo!

(Yeah, I have been on a negative rant lately. Go figure. I have no idea what brought it on, perhaps it is just bottled up hostility?)

Friday, July 07, 2006

Stephen Fernandes

This is your legacy. You will forever be the smug piece of garbage you have proven yourself to be. If ever you do anything meaningful in your life (which is highly doubtful), you will be forever referred to as "The person caught urinating on the National War Memorial." What an impressive title. I am sure your mother is very proud of you now.

The day you wake up, get your head out of your ass, and realize the utter lack of respect your actions have portrayed, is the day you will finally feel some of the shame you should rightly feel. Men and women of our proud country fought and died for the rights and freedoms that Europe and North America have today. For the last 100 years our soldiers have died so you could enjoy your wasted existance. Men and women far younger than you died on the front line, in a foreign country so you could disgrace them like you did. When you issue your feeble apology written by your lawyer it will be without remorse and understanding, it will be out of self preservation. If our soldiers had the same immature, irresponsible, and self righteous attitude you have the world would be a far worse place. When you avoid jail time, and any real punishment, thank your chosen god for all the soldiers who died before you, who gave their life, so you could urinate on their monument. I can safely say this was not the freedoms they had in mind when they so bravely fought for us.

May the rest in peace eternally.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Ignorant Pricks

You are an ignorant prick. Check that. You are not even that respected. You are perhaps the most uneducated piece of shit on this planet. You have desecrated a monument dedicated to those who died in combat for our country, and the freedoms which you enjoy. You have desecrated a monument which stands for the heroics and bravery of each and every one of our Canadian soldiers. Your drunken stupidity has made you nothing short of an immature prick, who deserves whatever punishment a Veteran can come up with. I hope when you see your picture in the news your family is proud. I hope that your friends families are just as proud. I am sure when you are brought to justice you will plea drunken ignorance. I am sure that this will smooth things over with your family, as they will look for any reason to forgive you, but I truly hope someone takes the time and effort to desecrate your resting place, your home, your vehicle, hell, even your pet. I hope that for weeks on end, your mailbox leaks urine. I hope that for the coming years you are always pointed at and remembered for being the schmuck you are.

I will post your name and picture again, once it is discovered. You will not be forgotten in at least one small corner of the world, and internet. You shame all that carry your bloodline. I hope you one day feel the amount of shame you should.