The World According to Me

Monday, November 21, 2005

Ay Carumba

Sometimes perception is an interesting thing. How is it, that two people can stare at the exact same object and see two entirely different things.

It is my belief that we are predisposed to see what we want to see. Be it good or bad. Someone may look at a situation and see utter chaos and despair, while someone else may see calm cool collected thoughts being hatched out in an irrational situation. How do we become predisposed would be the real question. Is it nature or nuture? I think it may be both. I also think it may depend on chemical imbalances. Would we see the same thing if we viewed it sober or drunk. Probably not.

So how does one combat the problem of perception? Perception is our reality, yet our individual realities are based on perception, and in turn, not reality at all. So if there is truly no reality to a situation, how do we document history effectively? How do we protray the news honestly? In a world where communication is so important, why is it, that we never communicate effectively? We assume our perceptions are others, and thereby their reality is ours, but clearly it is not the case. So the next time we judge someone for something they have done or said, perhaps it is the perception of what has occured that needs to be discussed, not the reality of the situation.


I am 67% Evil Genius."> src="" alt="Deceitful & Crazy!" border="0" style="margin-top:5px">
Evil courses through my blood. Lies and deceit motivate my evil deeds. Crushing the weaklings and idiots that do nothing but interfere in my doings.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Cut to the chase....

Sometimes it is just fun to say as much as you can in as short time as possible.....

My sex drive is higher then yours. I think I am going to have to vote Liberal. I don't think the Canucks are going to win the Cup. I think that Bush is a pain in the ass, and that when he leaves office, the world will be a better place. I think that you should shut the hell up about Gays and Lesbians, they have enough to worry about aside from you and your ignorance. I think that beer tastes better as you get older. I think the voting public of North America is truly ignorant. I think Surrey could be a lot nicer place if people tried to get along instead of force their views on others. I think McDonalds is better then Burger King, but Wendy's probably wins over them both. I think people need to be more giving in the sack. I think that viagra would be fun to try. I am worried I am going to be broke before the next two years are up. I worry I won't be a great father. I don't think my dad knows how great he is, was and could be. I wonder if people know how much I really do love them. I think sometimes people dont listen to me, because I brush too much off. I think stress is making me sick right now, but that it will go away soon. I wonder how many people actually read this blog. I would like to make a difference in the world. I think I would be a great politician. Sometimes I care too much. Sometimes I don't care enough. Whats a guy gotta do to get a hummer 'nthis town? I worry that religion poisons the mind of children. I think I am smarter then you. I never know when to use then and than. Sometimes my cockiness gets me in trouble. I sometimes get annoyed when you dont listen to me. Most people are morons. Some people know they are morons, and I like them better. Abortion is your choice, and the religious right should get their hands off your fucking uterus. Rape is an offence punishable by castration. Children need to grow up in a home that nurtures, be it a couple, a single parent, or a same sex couple. Teachers should shut the fuck up about not getting paid enough. BC Liberals are no better at governing. Sometimes I think suicide isnt such a bad way out. I know that I am too much a chicken to ever do it if things were that bad. I am going to love my baby. I am scared my baby won't love me. I think sometimes birds taunt me. I wish my kitty would go away so I could have a puppy.

Ok so I said a lot and it took a lot of space. I will leave you with this.

If a grenade was thrown into a room that had Bush in it, would anyone jump on it, and take the hit for him? I wonder that.....and sure, go ahead and say the Secret Service would....they didn't do it in Chechnya. Bush....go away....and take Cheney with you. He scares me too.

Oooh I know....ADD is not real, bad parenting is.

Thats about it.

Monday, November 14, 2005

The awful predicaments of life....

Nurture the relationship you are in.

Simple statement, not so simply done. It is so easy to become selfish in a relationship. It is so easy to forget that there are two people in that relationship and that there is a give and a take to all things. Whilst I have not met her, I feel for her... for who amongst us hasn't been in a relationship such as this. Who is not in one now. Yet for all her efforts, look where she is. Sure it is easy to say, she should do this, or she should do that, but if you were to look hard at your relationship are you truly giving all you could be?

We spend so much time in our lives living for retirement, our children, our careers, or whatever else, that we forget to live for today, for ourselves, for the spontaneous moment of who we truly are inside. When was the last time you loved with all you had, played like you were 5 or laughed so hard it hurt. That is what life is about. Those moments which are spaced out to far now by our own thoughtlessness. As we get older we live less and less. The monotony of tomorrow leaves us forgetting about today. Live for today, and tomorrow will be a brighter day. I only wish I knew how to do that, instead of just type this garbage. If you figure it out, please let me know.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Birthday Surprise

So it is my b-day today, and what did Jack Layton give me? A big fat slap in the mouth.

What the hell is this moron doing? I am a fairly well entrenched NDP'er with Liberal leanings, however after Jack's little speech today about nothing at all, and his hinting that he may align with the Conservatives in a non-confidence motion, I am going to have to make it clear, that I will vote Liberal. I cannot tolerate a Conservative government in this country that will strip people of their basic human rights. If Jack Layton is so convinced we should be going to the polls, I truly hope he brings forward this non-confidence motion, along with his resignation. It is time to bring in a clightly more CHARISMATIC leader into the NDP, someone with conviction, and the appearance of being able to bring the fight to your doorstep. Otherwise, we are going to be left with yet another minority government led by the Liberals. God help us if the Conservative party ever figures out that Peter Mckay should be the actual leader of that party....they might actually win.

Oh yeah....I'm 32 today. So....sing Happy Birthday in your head to me now, and try to to smack me in the mouth like Layton just did.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

I says Pardon!?

I only wish I could speak another language. I think the best part is if you watch the crowds faces, you will see that none of them even crack a smile. It is like they are burning a hole in the back of the interviewers head!

Monster Me!

Your Monster Profile
Omega Fiend
You Feast On: Armadillos
You Lurk Around In: Las Vegas
You Especially Like to Torment: Emo Kids

Better to not bother...

I have come to terms with a few things lately. It is really better to just not bother. In general, I have tried to do those little things. Little almost imperceptable things that people generally feel good about having done for them, and you would expect that to get paid forward somehow. Be it back to yourself, or to others. However, it is apparent that most everyone is selfish. Perhaps I am too. Perhaps I am selfish in that I try to do things, in order to reap some sort of benefit. Well regardless, it is time to stop. It only ever leads to resentment, and just a general feeling of being unimportant to that grand scheme of things. Truly I guess this ties back into the whole notion of would anyone ever notice if you were gone. Sometimes I think it would take weeks to months for people to notice I was gone. Some people would notice sooner then others, because their dinner wasn't made, and a few would notice when their social calendars weren't being filled for them, but on the grand scheme of things, I think most people would simply find out later and shrug their shoulders saying,"Oh, really...thats too bad."

I wonder sometimes if this is the downward slide into depression, or if this is just one of those rare moments where I lose my general feeling of wanting to please people. Maybe I should just say Fuck 'em, and look out for #1 for a while.

Hahahaha but then again, who would notice!