Ignorant Pricks

You are an ignorant prick. Check that. You are not even that respected. You are perhaps the most uneducated piece of shit on this planet. You have desecrated a monument dedicated to those who died in combat for our country, and the freedoms which you enjoy. You have desecrated a monument which stands for the heroics and bravery of each and every one of our Canadian soldiers. Your drunken stupidity has made you nothing short of an immature prick, who deserves whatever punishment a Veteran can come up with. I hope when you see your picture in the news your family is proud. I hope that your friends families are just as proud. I am sure when you are brought to justice you will plea drunken ignorance. I am sure that this will smooth things over with your family, as they will look for any reason to forgive you, but I truly hope someone takes the time and effort to desecrate your resting place, your home, your vehicle, hell, even your pet. I hope that for weeks on end, your mailbox leaks urine. I hope that for the coming years you are always pointed at and remembered for being the schmuck you are.
I will post your name and picture again, once it is discovered. You will not be forgotten in at least one small corner of the world, and internet. You shame all that carry your bloodline. I hope you one day feel the amount of shame you should.
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