The World According to Me

Monday, April 03, 2006

I think I must look evil....

I had a strata member come over and talk to me tonight. He basically wanted me to remove a planter from my patio as it was causing some unsightly rust to form on the patio. I said"Sure, no problem." You would think this conversation would be over now....but no...he went on to say that they want to paint, and there would be no point if I was going to leave the planter there. So again, I tell him I will move it. It is not an issue. Then he goes on telling me that he is a volunteer and just wants to keep the place looking nice, and that in the long run this is a benefit to the complex. At this point, I am getting a little annoyed, I mean, what part of no problem is difficult here. So....I said I would do it, and walked away mid sentence. It was unfortunate I had to be rude, but I wasn't sure how to be any more clear. So, the planter has been moved, and the issue should be resolved.....or I will be getting some sort of a fine from strata......

I have a new nephew as of April 1. His name is Logan. Ugly little guy. Most are right away. Oh well....I guess I better get used to the little ones being around....


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