The World According to Me

Thursday, March 16, 2006

George Bush you ignorant slut...

According to the news it would appear that George Bush, the fucking President of the United States, is upset that Jessica Simpson did not want to appear at a Republican fundraiser.

I am going to pause for a moment here.....I just want you to think about that. Take a few seconds. I can wait........

The President of the United States who has a HISTORICAL ALL TIME LOW approval rating in his country over his handling of Iraq, Katrina, the economy and foreign policy is actually pissed because she didn't show up. 67% of all Americans feel that George is not doing a good job. I am going to hazard a guess here, that somehow in the deep recesses of his mind, George figured if he could only just be seen with Jessica that somehow his star would turn just as Nicks did. That if only he could hitch his wagon to that sweet looking pony, he would pull his sorry ass out of the gutter, and rise to the ranks of Reagan or Clinton. Sorry George, it is going to take a hell of a lot more then just partying with Jessica. You need to actually come up with something of substance. Take a look at little Nick now, where is he? He is trying to make ends meet, and contemplating pimping himself to the soap operas. That is an idea though George. You could take a run on General Hospital. They haven't had a great villian since Lucy Coe. You could fill the role nicely with your silly laugh, and moderately retarded thought processes.

I have to love now how the Republican Party is making this an issue. The even funnier part is how 50% of Americans will be distracted by this issue, while more Americans come home in body bags during this new offensive that was just launched today. Ooops, sorry guys, I wasn't supposed to mention that. It's ok they probably didn't notice. Most people are still looking at Jessica thinking how pretty she is, and how she just doesn't seem to have the brains to succeed. Wait a minute....isn't that what everyone said about George Jr? Give it 30 years. We may be calling her Mrs. President Simpson! Maybe the Republicans do know something after all.


  • thank goodness someone is keeping up their end of the blogosphere. yours is the only blog i bother with anymore. the others are just the same old same old every day... which, when read on a daily basis, aren't so bad. but when read all together in one lump that is my weekly internet consumption, it's just plain old tiresome. but you are keeping it fresh. happy st. patty's to me. i need a shower and a nap and a rye and pepsi though maybe i'll skip the nap and the pepsi.

    thanks for making up for my lack of posting. as a team, we rock the blogworld, i think.

    happy st. patty's. did you know he drove the snakes out of ireland? i had to learn that to learn the kids that. then we coloured in snakes.

    By Blogger one L, at 4:34 PM  

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