I am going to hell.
I just wrote an E-mail to the Pope.
No seriously.
I decided enough was enough. When the Pope is going to bring my country into a conversation and state that our tolerance is mere folly. I must say something. The man the world knows as the Pope was in millitary service during the etermination of the Jews. He is a man that heads a religion that preaches intolerance and hate. It singlehandedly kills more people everyday than any other religion known to man. It disapproves of birth control spreading HIV and unwanted pregnancy. It does not allow divorce, how many children are affected by these unloving relationships? It allows pedophiles to move freely throughout the church in order to hide from prosecution. It has destroyed civilizations, it has destroyed free thought, and it does this all in the name of God.
Like I said in my email to the Pope, and I think this is something you can all agree....
When the end comes, and we meet our maker, I hope that God passes judgement on us as a Canadian would, as opposed to passing judgement on us as a Roman Catholic.
When a church loses its way, and becomes a corporation why does nobody speak up?
God is watching. God is not happy.
On a side note....If Jesus does decided to come back, who the hell is going to believe him? I am assuming he will not be resurrected on live television, nor will it be in some major mall. So who will actually believe the man that claims to be the second coming of Christ? Just a thought.
No seriously.
I decided enough was enough. When the Pope is going to bring my country into a conversation and state that our tolerance is mere folly. I must say something. The man the world knows as the Pope was in millitary service during the etermination of the Jews. He is a man that heads a religion that preaches intolerance and hate. It singlehandedly kills more people everyday than any other religion known to man. It disapproves of birth control spreading HIV and unwanted pregnancy. It does not allow divorce, how many children are affected by these unloving relationships? It allows pedophiles to move freely throughout the church in order to hide from prosecution. It has destroyed civilizations, it has destroyed free thought, and it does this all in the name of God.
Like I said in my email to the Pope, and I think this is something you can all agree....
When the end comes, and we meet our maker, I hope that God passes judgement on us as a Canadian would, as opposed to passing judgement on us as a Roman Catholic.
When a church loses its way, and becomes a corporation why does nobody speak up?
God is watching. God is not happy.
On a side note....If Jesus does decided to come back, who the hell is going to believe him? I am assuming he will not be resurrected on live television, nor will it be in some major mall. So who will actually believe the man that claims to be the second coming of Christ? Just a thought.
I have no idea what goes on in this world with the Pope, or in Canada. In all honesty, I think of the Pope, and I envision a small, pale, wrinkled man sitting in his robed on the porch of an old house in the country, watching cattle graze or something equally country.
Anyway, you've made some excellent points. I have a very good friend who is finalizing her divorce against a Catholic- who the hell else would deem a six month reconciliation period needed before allowed a divorce to proceed? Once it gets to that point, who wants to reconcile?
The lack of birth control is why at 25, she has three kids, all very, very close together in age. Of course she loves her babies and counts them as the only good to come from her marriage, but because her husband was a "good" Catholic, no condoms for him, no other methods for her.
So I guess I'm with you on this one, and probably for more reasons that those. As for Jesus coming back, well, maybe he can televise it, or possibly do it on the middle of the freeway at rush-hour so millions of people, stopped in their cars in slow-go, no-go traffic will witness it.
Debs - debslosingit.com, at 12:04 AM
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