The World According to Me

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

These are a few of my most hated things....

I don't know if you can sing this to the tune of "Favorite Things", but feel free to try.

Star Jones Reynolds and War Memorial Pissers. Cop shooting bastards and fathers that help them. Zoos that breed and kill giraffe younglings. These are a few of my most hated things!

Ignorant people. Red light runners. Smokers, and spitters, and people that litter. Ignorant people who just want my change. Go get a job and wash off that damn mange!

Girls who wear camouflage and the boys who do love them. Olives, tomatos, and Idols with no rythym. These are a few of my most hated things!

When the car breaks. When my sink plugs. When I can't close my eyes. I simply try to forget these things. For these are the things I despise.

You is really hard to keep doing it with other things to kind of fit. Especially when I am doing it off the top of my head, however, if you listen to the song, all they do is repeat anyhow, so all in all, for a few minutes of my time, off the top of my head, this was an adequate job.

With a little trying, and the song playing at the same time, you can really get it to fit.

Anyhow. Israel. not fall for the madness. If you buy into the Lebanon issue, you are forgetting the bigger picture here. Iran.

Draw the line, it goes right back to Iran. The Middle East is about to get mighty hot. I won't be surprised to see the desert turn to glass in the coming months.

Mushroom clouds are in our future once again. What a lovely time to bring a child into the world.


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