The World According to Me

Monday, April 24, 2006

Blogger you suck....

Why does Blogger suck so harshly? I am amazed by its ability to never be fully functional. How the hell am I supposed to rant with anger when it doesnt work. It seems silly to be all pissy, start a rant, and then post it later when you have calmed down somewhat. I am a reactionary being, I cannot think about things, it takes away from my passion.

Can someone suggest a new target. Politics and Religion, while they do get my goat, are being over done. What else can I be pissy about. Maybe something new and rates, or third world debt relief.

Oh yeah, and if your child has ADD, you are a bad parent you sack of shit. Thank you and Goodnight.

Back to Stephen Harper

Again you have pissed me off. Your arrogance is stunning. Your decision to not lower the flag to half mast on the Peace Tower when a soldier dies is dispicable. Your presumption that Canadians are unable to recognize that November 11 is to remember those that have fallen in the past, and that when the flag is lowered any other time, is to honor the families of those that lost someone in todays conflicts is astonishing. You have just diminished the lives of all who die for our country. If you only could at least have some balls, and admit that the reason you are not going to be lowering flags is because you are going to extend our millitary to more "American" duties, and the losses are about to climb dramatically. Please explain to the families of those that die defending countries that do not want us there that their lives are meaningless. That we are not going to recognize their valiant effort. I disagree with our soldiers being there. I disagree with being the worlds cleaning crew for out of control masses. You leave us in Haiti, Afghanistan, Somalia, and others and you are now going to tell us that those deaths do not equal the deaths of someone who died in WWI or WWII? The death of any soldier in any conflict or operation, be it Iraq patrols, or sandbagging a flooding river should be shown the same respect. We pay our soldiers a meager salary, and we expect them to defend us. We owe it to them to respect them, to show them dignity in their deaths, to be humbled by their efforts. We owe them that little.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Really boring guy....

I really don't have anything to say right now. Sometimes I feel like I rant, and it is for the sake of ranting. Sometimes I feel like I post, simply for the sake of posting, and while it is mostly to stay in contact with some of you, I don't want to waste your time with mindless drivel just for the sake of posting.

I guess my Canucks missing the playoffs came true....I knew it would though....and I guess George Bush is still a moron, so really, nothing has changed too much in the world.

I have decided though, that if I am offered enough money I might execute Pat Robertson....assuming I can get a country to accept me that doesnt have an extradition treaty with the U.S.

Hey, any baseball people out there. I wouldn't mind going to see a game or two in Seattle again this year, it will be hard though with the kid coming and all. Wow, only a few more weeks.....

Wow, only a few more weeks.....

Wow, only a few more weeks.....

holy shit.

I'm about to be a Daddy. Like it or not, here it comes, and I am going to need to adjust in a major way. No more selfish me. No more me. Now it is all about her.

Time to go. It is Monday, and there must be something on to watch.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Clearly he wasn't thinking....

This could very well be one of the funnier moments in highschool history. How many of us have dreamed of something like this happening to our most hated teacher? Oh what the hell, who cares if you hated him, this would be one of those moments of deathly silence, followed by unbelievable amounts of laughter. This would make you pee your pants first in fear, and second in laughing fits. Go ahead, read it if you dare. It won't make you pee, but you will giggle for a while


Monday, April 03, 2006

I think I must look evil....

I had a strata member come over and talk to me tonight. He basically wanted me to remove a planter from my patio as it was causing some unsightly rust to form on the patio. I said"Sure, no problem." You would think this conversation would be over now....but no...he went on to say that they want to paint, and there would be no point if I was going to leave the planter there. So again, I tell him I will move it. It is not an issue. Then he goes on telling me that he is a volunteer and just wants to keep the place looking nice, and that in the long run this is a benefit to the complex. At this point, I am getting a little annoyed, I mean, what part of no problem is difficult here. So....I said I would do it, and walked away mid sentence. It was unfortunate I had to be rude, but I wasn't sure how to be any more clear. So, the planter has been moved, and the issue should be resolved.....or I will be getting some sort of a fine from strata......

I have a new nephew as of April 1. His name is Logan. Ugly little guy. Most are right away. Oh well....I guess I better get used to the little ones being around....