Ay Carumba

Sometimes perception is an interesting thing. How is it, that two people can stare at the exact same object and see two entirely different things.
It is my belief that we are predisposed to see what we want to see. Be it good or bad. Someone may look at a situation and see utter chaos and despair, while someone else may see calm cool collected thoughts being hatched out in an irrational situation. How do we become predisposed would be the real question. Is it nature or nuture? I think it may be both. I also think it may depend on chemical imbalances. Would we see the same thing if we viewed it sober or drunk. Probably not.
So how does one combat the problem of perception? Perception is our reality, yet our individual realities are based on perception, and in turn, not reality at all. So if there is truly no reality to a situation, how do we document history effectively? How do we protray the news honestly? In a world where communication is so important, why is it, that we never communicate effectively? We assume our perceptions are others, and thereby their reality is ours, but clearly it is not the case. So the next time we judge someone for something they have done or said, perhaps it is the perception of what has occured that needs to be discussed, not the reality of the situation.
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