The World According to Me

Monday, October 17, 2005

Busy Weekends....

My goodness, Rocky 6 is coming. This should be a great movie about a punchdrunk middle aged man coming back into the ring to make a few more dollars, and to try to find his manhood again. Wait, they could just be writing the story of George Bush, with only a few liberties. Clearly he is unable to box, but he is punchdrunk, and he is trying to find his manhood.....Oh that was too easy. Poor George, he is just such an easy target, I should refrain and maybe pick on his protege Cheney. Speaking of which, where is that guy? I swear to god he has been dead for the last 5 years, and nobody noticed.

The Angels were robbed. I am not going to go on about it for ever, but PLEASE, when you punch the guy out, he is OUT!

The Canucks are playing like panty wearing 12 year old boys. I remember what I played like while wearing panties at 12, so I think I can critque this one! Pansies I tell yah...pansies!

I apologize for the lack of eloquence in my rant today, I am merely in the midst of trying to survive planning a wedding. If you think it is easy, go get engaged and plan one...oh, and try to do it in a rush too, it only adds to the fun. Dec 3 is coming fast. I hope both of us are alive when that day comes. I am pretty sure she was sitting over me with the pillow when I woke up this morning.....Luckily I know that if I push my thumb into her armpit I will be safe....Muahahahahahah I shall overcome!

Hi, Teachers. Go back to work, and make a different point now. Oooh, and BCGEU, I hope you fall flat on your face and get your typical 0,0,0 raises again. I told you 5 years ago to walk when they started tearing up contracts, and now it is just too late. Good job George Heyman. You were an inept leader then, and you are a bigger clown now.


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