The World According to Me

Monday, October 10, 2005

Sweet Jesus!

I was meandering through the back alleys of the internet today, and came upon another reason I am glad I am Canadian.

Florida it seems has enacted a new law. Jeb has really managed to reach the heights of brilliance with this one. In Florida, you are now allowed to shoot first, ask questions later. The law works like this. If you feel threatened, and reasonably believe that you will face death or grave bodily harm, you may shoot to kill. What they have removed is the flee first portion of the old law. So now, you do not have to simply step on the gas, and drive away, or exit out the side door. You can now just shoot. Wonderful really. Feel free to check out this link if you think I am kidding

Of course, there are the Americans who are standing by their Second Ammendment Right, the right that their country was founded on, the right to bear arms. The part they forget, was that when their country was founded, they were under imminent attack. They were revolting against the British, and were in the midst of war. Granted, the British are pretty wiley, and they could right now be planning their return to overthrow the sleeping Americans, however they are only deterred by that pesky Second Ammendment. The ignorance of the entire situation though is what really gets to me. Both sides of gun control are so polarized, that neither is smart enough to see the reality of the situation. Rifles are for hunting, so keep your rifles. Lock them away so your children do not shoot eachother. Handguns are for killing people, so unless you are a cannibal, and are a card carrying member of the American Cannibals Association, you really shouldn't be out hunting people. Why are there no biometric locks on triggers. Why does your rifle have to be fully automatic when hunting deer? Are they shooting back? Mind you, I guess it is pointless to rant. The NRA has more money and can spread their message better then this blog. I won't even begin to go on about how neither side is going to change the mind of someone on either side of the equation, it would just be nice if the two sides would agree to disagree, and come to terms with the reality of the situation. SOMETHING needs to be done, in order to keep innocent children from dying daily. Mind you, I guess some kids dying daily, is a fair price to pay to know that Jeb has a gun and can protect his family from the roving gang of thugs in his neighborhood. Hey Jeb, if you shoot like you govern, you might just want to call 911, at least that will be effective.


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