The World According to Me

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Global Detachment

Wow. So here we sit, watching the return of hockey, the baseball playoffs, our weekly Monday Night Footbal game, and Cramer's Mad Money. I am bitching and moaning because I finished 8th in my baseball pool, ecstatic because I am currently breaking away in my football pool, and relishing the fact that at any moment my latest stock pick could make me a substantial amount of money. I am pissed off that I have to get up at 5:45 and go to a job that I don't love, that I am in a townhouse that always seems to be a work in progress, and I don't do anything about it, and that I missed out on making 45,000 on the last stock I should have bought, but didn't. Then the news comes on....They pull a 4 year old boy out of the rubble in Pakistan, he is so confused, and in a state of utter shock that he can't eat, or drink anything. He is in the arms of people who love him, and he is oblivious to everything going on around him. There is utter chaos surrounding him, and he is calm. Eerily calm.

It is in that split second of looking into this childs eyes that it hits me. I am on the other side of the world, and there is nothing I can do. There is a feeling of utter helplessness that is passed on to me through his eyes. I feel at that moment like opening my wallet, and giving all that I can. In those moments though , I come to a monumental moment of reality. My money will never get there. If my government, or the U.S government REALLY wanted to do something about this, they could. How many troops are stationed in Afghanistan and Iraq right now. The war on terror is supposed to be about saving lives, and giving people something to live for. You have the troops, the equipment, the ability to save lives, yet we let them die. Explain to the Pakistani family that has lost everything, that luckily, they are free from the terror of Sadaam, or Osama. I am sure they prefer that, over the help of uncovering their burried children. According to Bush, God wanted him to invade Iraq. Let's for one moment pretend that this is Gods will. Perhaps the bigger picture of Gods will was to have the man power in place for when the tsunami hit, or when this earthquake hit. Russia, France, Germany, you stand idly by watching the Pakistani people die. Send your money, send your trade agreements, but for the love of God, send people NOW. I do not for the life of me understand how a dollar bill will rebuild the life of the 4 year old boy. When all he really needs is to be held, and reassured, that someone will be there to take care of him today, tomorrow, and for the rest of his youth.

Shame on my government, shame on George Bush, and shame on us all for not doing something other then blindly sending money to the cause of the day.


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