The World According to Me

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

U.S. Supreme Court Nominee

So here we go again....Bush is pushing his conservative agenda via equal rights this time. Funny thing equality is. The key portion of that word being equal, not so much the ity. Equal is defined as Having the same quantity, measure, or value as another. This I cannot disagree with, and you will find I never disagree with Webster and his fine dictionary, however, the problem with Bush's equality, is that it really isn't all that equal. Sure, he is pushing for a woman on the Supreme Court. Bravo, equality, right? No, not so much so. (I know some of you will be annoyed when I answer my rhetorical questions, but really, there aren't too many of you reading this, so it isn't a concern as of yet.) You see Bush is now going to place a right wing religious zealot on the Supreme Court, which is great if you happen to be a wealthy white middle aged American male. Not so great if you fall into the category of any minority. Funny thing the minority groups. If they just banded together, they would actually be the majority, but neither the Republicans, or the Democrats have tapped into that market fully. Pity really. Anyhow, don't let me ramble on the Democratic shortfalls yet, back to my point.....Bush hides behind his Equality push here all the while he is discriminating against gays. Sure, you aren't gay, and neither are most of your friends so why do we care? Hell, as long as he ain't screwing with me, its all good! However, it wasn't that long ago, that the middle aged well to do white male was screwing with the women, and the people of any colour in their fine nation. Somewhere along the line, the women said, "No more!" so the white man backed down, then people like Martin Luther King said "No more!" and the white man had nothign left to blame the woes of the day on. So he turned to the only thing he had left. He couldn't persecute the Jews again, that would just be wrong by world standards. The people of various ethnic backgrounds around the world were converting to Christianity, and Catholicism mighty quick, so they had to leave them alone, because it is the religious right that keeps them in power. Who was left....who...who....who.....Oh I know...that girly guy over there, let's pick on him! He isn't going to stand up for himself, and he doesn't have a lot of friends to help him. As far as the bible goes, God hates him, so this is a slam dunk!
Oh how I love when someone like George W comes to power. Everything just seems to have clarity. I mean look how easy that is. A scapegoat is born. So now Katrina is the fault of the gays, because of that big parade. Oh, and God is mad at the gays because they are sinners, so he made AIDS. Yeah, I bet God is loving every minute of this. I know my all knowing diety has concerns over who I am cavorting with in my bedroom. George, you know, that war in Iraq? Saddam said he was making WMD's to destroy the gays of America, and that the World Trade Centre was because there was a gay couple inside. I am sure there are a few more things you can blame on them too. I mean why not? They only make up 10-15% of your country. Why not ostracize them! (This is the point where I REALLY REALLY want to point out the fact that Bush won the election by only a few electoral votes. If the Democrats would just make a small gesture toward the Gay and Lesbian vote, the elections would be Democratic landslides, however, I won't mention that in this post) I guess the point of my rambling is really rather clear. Quit discriminating. Republicans wearing white sheets, and chanting WHITE POWER need to be a thing of the past. The brainwashing has to stop, and we need to protect Canada from the same mentality creeping across the border. This is why Stephen Harper is a dangerous man.
I will end this post with a retraction of sort. Kanye West was NOT right, Bush doesn't hate Blacks. He hates poor people. (Condie asked me to retract that statement)


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