Legislation and the Hypocrisy of Government
Funny thing Government is. You take an elected group of men, who are supposed to be our leaders, and yet when you put them in a room together to draw up a piece of legislation, it takes them years and years to get it done, and in the end, it is the same piece of legislation that was originally in place, merely reworded, and ineffective. Take the Young Offenders Act. How many years have we heard there will be changes to the Act, and yet, we are still unable to prosecute teens as adults, in their adult crimes. The Act hsa remained basically the same, and the legislators blame the judges, and the judges blame society, and society blames the television. The last time I checked, the television didn't vote.
Now let me get to my point. Gordo is sitting in his little office on the island thinking up new and exciting ways to screw women around further. So he comes up with legislation teachers back to work. It should be noted at this time, that the BCTF is made up mostly of women, as is the HEU. In both cases, he had created a masterful piece of legislation out of thin air, and rammed it into law in a matter of days. NOT YEARS. DAYS. So with power like this, why is it that the Status Quo is the way to go. Gordo only has one sole ambition, and that is to break all unions. Regardless of where you stand on the Union vs Management issue, a few simple points need to be established. The Union is only as defiant as the management is inept. You do not hear about well managed companies having problems with their unions, or having unions certify in their workplace. Secondly, since we live in a democracy, we have the right to be treated equally. Unfortunately Gordo feels that union workers are second class citizens and a drag on society. That mentality shows you his inept management skill. Every employee is a person, with needs, and a voice that should be heard. When you have a union in place, you have collective bargaining, and that is how these disputes are settled. When we dismantle the concept of Collective Bargaining, and tear up contracts that were already bargained for in good faith, we have lawlessness on the side of the lawmakers. I have yet to see them be held in contempt of the court. This can never happen, because they are in essence the court, and those who make the rules.......
So at the end of the day we have established the following points.
Gordo is an inept manager, and leader.
Unions are whiney, however they are here so they must be dealt with through collective bargaining.
The Liberals intend to sell BC to corporations, and leave the people left holding the shortfall.
(Corporations dont buy money losing ventures. Once all our profitable government owned corporations are sold, we will not have the counter balance of red and black ink.)
*Why do the morons of the world end up as our leaders. George, Jeb, Gordo, Arnold, Stephen.....it is scary really. I guess the scarier part is that 50% of the population votes for them
Now let me get to my point. Gordo is sitting in his little office on the island thinking up new and exciting ways to screw women around further. So he comes up with legislation teachers back to work. It should be noted at this time, that the BCTF is made up mostly of women, as is the HEU. In both cases, he had created a masterful piece of legislation out of thin air, and rammed it into law in a matter of days. NOT YEARS. DAYS. So with power like this, why is it that the Status Quo is the way to go. Gordo only has one sole ambition, and that is to break all unions. Regardless of where you stand on the Union vs Management issue, a few simple points need to be established. The Union is only as defiant as the management is inept. You do not hear about well managed companies having problems with their unions, or having unions certify in their workplace. Secondly, since we live in a democracy, we have the right to be treated equally. Unfortunately Gordo feels that union workers are second class citizens and a drag on society. That mentality shows you his inept management skill. Every employee is a person, with needs, and a voice that should be heard. When you have a union in place, you have collective bargaining, and that is how these disputes are settled. When we dismantle the concept of Collective Bargaining, and tear up contracts that were already bargained for in good faith, we have lawlessness on the side of the lawmakers. I have yet to see them be held in contempt of the court. This can never happen, because they are in essence the court, and those who make the rules.......
So at the end of the day we have established the following points.
Gordo is an inept manager, and leader.
Unions are whiney, however they are here so they must be dealt with through collective bargaining.
The Liberals intend to sell BC to corporations, and leave the people left holding the shortfall.
(Corporations dont buy money losing ventures. Once all our profitable government owned corporations are sold, we will not have the counter balance of red and black ink.)
*Why do the morons of the world end up as our leaders. George, Jeb, Gordo, Arnold, Stephen.....it is scary really. I guess the scarier part is that 50% of the population votes for them
Spelling and grammar are inconsequential to me on most days, so if you would like you can, but I wont change it or care :P
Rally, at 10:08 PM
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