The World According to Me

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Light and Airy?

Just like my waffles, I am going to make this post light and airy.

So, I just finished the major renovations on the townhouse. I have a new island, bar, and some miscellaneous cabinetry beside the fireplace. It doesnt look too bad if I do say so myself. I could have done a better job. I did spend almost 9 years making cabinets, so I do know what I am talking about. I decided though, that when the government offers you a job, you should take it. It beats actually working at a job where you have to sweat everyday.

I am not feeling well today, so I am going to stay home from work on a sick day, and rest up. I am sure once I wake up, I will find something to post about, and can make the world a better place. Perhaps what I could do is start blogging about some previous sexual experiences to boost my readership. Right now, I believe I am at about 5 people. Maybe I can boost that back up to 10.

Mind you, maybe I just need to be a little more interesting. My political ramblings tend to not turn the ladies on anymore. The guys go wild for it....just not the ladies...

Tony Chestnut Know I Love You!

Monday, January 23, 2006

It is officially over....

So it would appear.....That which I despise is now my keeper.

Yes, I work for the government...Yes...I am a bureacrat. Yes I am to work as hard for the government of the day as I did for yesterdays government, however there is one catch. The government of today does not value me nor the work I do. So now you who voted for the Conservatives will see the slow and systematic decline of all that we hold dear. This is the begining of the loss of all the freedoms we hold dear. This is the beginning of the end. This is where we will now no longer be governed by men and woman, and the values they hold, but instead we will be governed by the men and woman and their perverse interpretation of the bible of the United States of America.

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For evil has been delivered in a blue and white package. It masks itself as the champion of the people, but what it truly is, is the harbinger of our own demise. Today I loved my country, and all it held dear. Tomorrow, I no longer know her.

This is a historic day. We have stepped back from being Canadian, and have stepped toward being assimilated into another of the U.S. Collective. We will now be able to enjoy the freedoms that are dictated by the state to enjoy.

I mourn for her. She was my sweet country. I mourn for her.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Friday Stock picks (late)

Yes I know I am late with this...but forgive me as I went astray.

You will notice that I did ok on my last few picks....

Today I leave you with a few little ones.

HAO.v it is a oil company in Alberta, taking part in the oilsands projects. I got in at .47 and out at 55 in under 6 minutes. It was a nice 500 bucks.

REV - Its Revlon...come long as they dont fall on their faces, they will make money. I just need them to sign someone that appeases to a broader audience for their ads.

AAPL - Ipods are all the rage. The Mac is going to follow. Watch out for Apple to take a bite out of Microsoft and IBM.

SIRI - Sirius Satelite Radio. Great buy at anywhere below $6.30. I am going to pick some up on Monday I think. Another nice run up is in the works here.

That s all for Stock Pick Fridays. Even though it was late. Thank you, and Goodnight.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hi. MY name is...what?

Interesting title that one. You can read it so many ways. It will mean a few different things to a few different people...which brings me to the point of this post. I don't know if anyone other then the 3 of you read this blog. I hope there are a bunch of people that do stop in to see me rant, because right now I need an opinion from someone that doesnt know me. Someone that does not feel as though they have to not TROUNCE on my feeling. YEs Feeling. I only have one left, so trounce away. Just read this....tell me what you think. Honestly. It is rough, and I know that, but I dont know if it has potential to be something that I want it to be, or if writing a kids book is going to go nowhere for me. I just would like to know...I know it is long, and I apologize, I dont know if I want several smaller books, or one long book. I dont know alot to be honest....just ridicule away.

It was a clear spring morning on Maple Lake. The air was warm, the wind was calm and all was quiet. However all of that was about to change. You see, springtime on Maple Lake means one thing and one thing only….Hatching Season! Every year ducks come from all around to make their nests by the waters of Maple Lake. The lake is full of underwater weeds for ducks to munch on all summer long, and it has tall reeds to hide the nests away from anyone who shouldn’t find them. This year was no exception. Maple Lake was probably the best lake a duck could find to make a nest, and that's why Emma was going to be there.

Emma was the first to arrive at the lake. She wanted to have the perfect spot for her new nest, so she spent days walking in and out of the reeds and swimming back and forth across the lake until she found the perfect spot. Finally she found it. Nestled in amongst the reeds she found a small island, the perfect size for a ducks nest. Emma started the hard work now. She had to find the right pieces of reed to make her nest, she searched over every inch of the lake again and collected the finest pieces of nest making reed any duck has ever seen. She carefully placed each piece in place, one by one, until she had made to strongest, safest, and most beautiful nest anyone had ever seen. Emma still wanted something more. Something all the other ducks never thought of. Something to keep her baby warm when she wasn't there. So again Emma started her search. She looked all around the lake, and she found some pinecones….but they aren't warm. She searched a little further away from the lake and she found some berries….they were tasty, but they wouldn't keep any duck warm, she thought to herself. She walked further away from the lake and came upon a forest. Ducks don't normally go into the forest, but she had to find something warm for her baby that would be coming. She carefully continued on into the forest, and she heard a noise. "Ahem", said a small voice. Emma looked up and saw a black squirrel with an looking down at her.. "What is a duck doing in the forest?", asked the squirrel. Emma replied," I am sorry Mr. Squirrel, I was just looking for something warm for my nest." The squirrel smiled, "The name is Jim, and I might have something that would interest you than. Just wait here and I will go get it." With that the squirrel hurried off into his den and you could hear him rustling about. Finally Jim popped out of his den, and with him was a piece of a scarf that a child had lost during the cold winter in the forest. "Would you like this?" asked Jim. "That’s perfect!" said Emma, as happy as could be. "But I don’t have anything for you" said a sad Emma. The squirrel began thinking. He scratched his head with his little hand, and flicked his tail back and forth. Than he said, " I have an idea, how about I give you this scarf now and later on you can do me a favor?"
It didn’t take Emma long to agree to that deal, she would be more than happy to help out her new friend. Emma gratefully took the warm scarf. "Thank you Jim, and by the way, my name is Emma "she said. The two new friends talked for awhile, until it was starting to get dark, and time for Emma to get back to her new home. They said their good-bye’s and Emma started walking back home thinking about her new friend and her new scarf for her nest. When Emma got back to her nest, she placed the scarf inside and settled in on top of it, ready for a good nights sleep. She was happy to have something warm for her new baby.

The next morning, Emma got up and started to tear the scarf into smaller pieces to line her nest with. The scarf was very pretty, it was green, and red, and looked something like a checkerboard. The best part though, was how soft and warm the scarf was. It was as soft as air and as warm as a hug from your Mom. Her new baby would be very happy. As Emma busily worked on her nest, ducks started coming in from all over. Some were friends she hadn't seen since last spring and others were brand new. It was an exciting and busy time at the lake. Emma finally finished making her nest. It was going to be so warm. She was very proud of her new nest.
As the day wore on and more and more ducks arrived, Emma swam out on the lake to greet her old friends. All the ducks talked and talked until one of Emmas' friends said, "I think it is time we started making our nests!" Emma smiled proudly and said, " I flew in early and I am already done." All the other ducks started to giggle. "You couldn't possibly be done, it is your first nest, and you don't know what you are doing." they said. Emma was mad. She took all of her friends to her nest and showed them what a wonderful job she had done. She showed them how she had picked the best reeds, and how she got a scarf to make it warm. The other ducks started to make fun of her scarf. "She doesn't know to use feathers to make it warm!" they laughed. "That’s the funniest nest I have ever seen." they said as they all swam away.
Emma was sad, she thought her friends would be happy for her. She thought she had the best nest any duck had ever made. Emma walked up her little island, and stepped into her nest. Emma tried to sleep, but couldn't. All she kept thinking about was how mean her friends were to her and how maybe her nest wasn't the best after all. She just wanted her new baby to be warm and safe, like any good mom would. Finally, Emma fell asleep, she was still sad that her friends were mean, but she decided she did have the best nest after all. No matter what her friends might say.

The next morning Emma awoke, and in her nest was an egg. It was her first egg. She was so happy she got out on the lake and started to sing a happy little song. "Quack quack quack!" she sang. Once again the other ducks started to laugh at her. Some of them had eggs, but they weren't being silly, they thought. This time Emma didn’t care that they were making fun of her. She had her new egg and a warm nest and that was all that mattered. She swam back to her nest and sat on her egg to keep it extra warm and watched the other ducks play in the water. While she was happily sitting on her egg she heard a familiar voice call her. "Emma! Emma! Are you out there?" it said. Emma called back, " I am right over here Jim. What can I do for you?" Jim was very excited, he was pacing back and forth across the shoreline telling Emma all about the fact he was about to be a new Dad. Emma was very happy for Jim. She told him that she had her first ever egg, and how great a job the scarf was doing in keeping it warm. Jim was glad to hear about that. "Maybe our babies can be friends, just like we are." Said Jim. Emma was very excited at that idea. "How come you aren't out with the other ducks?" asked Jim. Emma told Jim how mean all the other ducks were to her. "Don’t you worry about them, I think the scarf is an excellent idea. I bet they all wished they had one!" said Jim. Emma was glad her new friend liked her idea. "Well I couldn't have done it without you Jim." Emma said. Emma and Jim continued to talk until it was time for Jim to go get more nuts for his growing family. "See you later Emma!" Jim called as he darted off into the forest. Emma laughed, "Good Bye!" she yelled as she watched his fuzzy black tail disappear into darkness.

The next few days were very hectic for Emma, she was busy preparing for her ducklings arrival. She had to think of a name for the baby, she had to find all the safest spots on the lake so nothing could hurt her baby, and she had to find all the best spots for feeding her baby. Emma accomplished all but one. She still had not come up with a name for her little duckling. Jim suggested Donald or Daisy, but Emma thought those were silly names. Emma finally decided that maybe it would be best to see her duckling first, that way she could pick a name that would suit her baby perfectly. Emma returned to her nest to sit and wait for her egg to hatch. She wanted so badly to know whether it was going to be a boy or a girl. She sat patiently, and she sat, and she sat. Then she felt something. Something started to move. She stood up and looked at the egg, but the egg was still sitting there not doing anything out of the ordinary. Emma sat back down. A minute or so passed and something moved again. Emma sprang to her feet and watched the egg very closely, and this time she saw it! It wobbled, ever so slightly. Emma was as excited as she had ever been, she was watching her duckling come out of its shell.
Emma stood over the egg for what seemed like days, but was only several minutes. The egg formed a small crack along its side, and as the egg moved the crack got longer. The crack turned into a small hole, and the small hole turned into a bigger hole. Finally, the tip of a beak broke through the egg shell, and then a head, an finally the egg broke open to reveal the most beautiful duckling the world has ever seen. The duckling stumbled around the nest, getting familiar with his new surroundings. Emma stood by in amazement as she watched her new baby boy discover his new world. The duckling began walking towards his mother, but fell over. When he got up, a piece of the scarf was gently wrapped around his neck. At that moment, Emma knew what the new ducklings name would be. It would be Ascot.

Monday, January 09, 2006

XM Radio

What a fun little item. Opie & Anthony truly have a way with words. I giggle constantly at their foolishness, and vulgarity.

XM radio....why don't they allow me a channel to vent my views on sports, politics, religion, and the like. I could entertain, and infuriate, and create such a great time....someone get me a job there would you!

Anyhow, Giants suck! Manning you are a bum!

LETS GO HAWKS! I hope Holmgren has a clue this year.

Dungy deserves some good in his life this year. I kind of hope he wins. Maybe Seattle and Indy could somehow tie??

I got my new TV. It is sooooo pretty.

Sure, I have nothing of importance to say today, but felt I should say something at least. I could take yet another swipe at that moron Nina Grewal, but that seems pointless. Anyone who votes for her, is not going to be swayed from their stupidity.

Hi, I am your future of politics. Save this blog, you will be able to use it against me in the next elections...

Friday, January 06, 2006

New Weekly Segment

I am going to start a new Friday is called, MAKE MONEY FRIDAYS!

I am going to give you my 5 hot stock tips of the week.

This week it is my personal favorites. The stocks can be viewed at via their ticker symbols.

TD - Toronto Dominion Bank (Good upside right now, looking at least a 5-10% gain over the short term. Enron fallout could affect price.) - Tahera Diamond Corporation ( I have owned this stock from 37 cents. Speculative, however there is good reason to believe it has the potential to go much higher)

DYN - Dynegy (Power....everyone needs it. Once a Prince, now a Pauper. 5 seems like a good entry point to me!)

TASR - Taser International Inc (Excessive force lawsuits are cheaper then Accidental Death lawsuits. Police, Prisons, and Crowd Control....With only a small percentage having placed orders, the upside outweighs the litigation fears)

IFTC.ob - Infotec Business Systems (This is all over the map. I wouldnt play with it long term, but there are several opportunites for entry points, and exits on the uptick. Ballsy play. High risk, high reward.)

I currently own TD, I am buying DYN on Monday. TASR I have made good money off of, however have no holdings, nor do I hold and IFTC.ob, I have merely watched it make gains of several hundred percent, fall all the way back down, and then make 20-30 percent gains.

I am by no means trained to give financial advice, these are just my opinions. Please forgive me if you loose money...I will be losing with you though.

Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow

So it was a New Year....and with things so busy it has been days and nights of eating out, eating garbage food, and just not eating healthy at all. You know how it is with all that chocolate lying around, all that left over pop in the fridge, all that bloody pie and other desserts left from Christmas and New Years.....Well I thought times had to change. I went to the store, bought a nice pork tenderloin, some carrots, onions, sweet brown rice, and was going to make a half decent dinner for one in a long while (I love to cook, and I am pretty good at it too!)

Anyhow....I cut up the carrots and onions, pan sear the tenderloin with the onions, some garlic, and some ginger, and I pre heat the oven to 400 degrees. Oh it started to smell good...I put the rice on, and was even thinking about baking some home made biscuits....but decided not too....

Tenderloin goes into the oven at 400 for 45 minutes, and the rice cooks...all is going well, I take out the tenderloin, cut it into nice sized medallions, put a small amount of teryiaki sauce on it, put some rice on the plate, which turned out damn near perfect, and went for the carrots and onions....grabbed the frying pan....OW OW OW OW OW OW OW! I forgot it was in the oven for 45 mins at 400 whole right hand is burnt to a lovely second degree.

Needless to say, I didnt eat, I soaked my hand for hours and hours on end. It is now starting to crack and peel. It is so much fun.

So how was your first few days of the year?

I did just buy a brand new LCD tv, so hopefully that eases my pain.....

Monday, January 02, 2006

Ignorance IS Contagious!

I have to laugh at the Conservative ads talking about the waste of money the Liberals have incurred over the Sponsorship Scandal.....

Just a thought Mr. Harper, but how much are you costing us with the early election we never wanted? It is always fun to watch the moronic public of Canada get upset over flashy statements, but never look deeper into what the big picture is.

Nina Grewal....I have to admit, you are staying fairly low profile in the riding. It is probably your best bet. Not saying anything is better. If you do come out, expect to asked the hard questions.

Green Party of Canada....please, for the love of god, please stop acting as though you are a party. You are a disent vote, not a vote of any consequence. Act as such, and align with one of the big three to make a difference.

To the rest of you....You are lemmings...most of you cannot muster up enough energy to actually think for yourself, so let me make this short and sweet. If you are voting for a party because your parents did, please dont vote at all. If you are voting for a party because you did last time, and haven't looked at the platforms, please dont vote at all. If you think it would be fun to vote for the marijuana party because it is cool, please dont vote at all.

Do you see where I am going with this? IF you havent done the research, please dont vote. A vote based on ignorance is not a vote, it is an abuse of the democratic system. If you want to express your vote based on your personal beliefs by all means vote, and vote intelligently. It would be nice to have a government voted in by intelligent thought rather then fooish reaction to things you dont understand.

I personally cant wait for the Saddam Hussein in a Liberal campaign to begin. The negative campaign is going to be too American for me to handle....