The World According to Me

Friday, January 06, 2006

New Weekly Segment

I am going to start a new Friday is called, MAKE MONEY FRIDAYS!

I am going to give you my 5 hot stock tips of the week.

This week it is my personal favorites. The stocks can be viewed at via their ticker symbols.

TD - Toronto Dominion Bank (Good upside right now, looking at least a 5-10% gain over the short term. Enron fallout could affect price.) - Tahera Diamond Corporation ( I have owned this stock from 37 cents. Speculative, however there is good reason to believe it has the potential to go much higher)

DYN - Dynegy (Power....everyone needs it. Once a Prince, now a Pauper. 5 seems like a good entry point to me!)

TASR - Taser International Inc (Excessive force lawsuits are cheaper then Accidental Death lawsuits. Police, Prisons, and Crowd Control....With only a small percentage having placed orders, the upside outweighs the litigation fears)

IFTC.ob - Infotec Business Systems (This is all over the map. I wouldnt play with it long term, but there are several opportunites for entry points, and exits on the uptick. Ballsy play. High risk, high reward.)

I currently own TD, I am buying DYN on Monday. TASR I have made good money off of, however have no holdings, nor do I hold and IFTC.ob, I have merely watched it make gains of several hundred percent, fall all the way back down, and then make 20-30 percent gains.

I am by no means trained to give financial advice, these are just my opinions. Please forgive me if you loose money...I will be losing with you though.


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