The World According to Me

Monday, December 12, 2005

And so it goes....

Have you ever noticed one day bleeding into the next? Where there is no difinitve line of where one day starts and ends, where another begins. Sure. You can take the easy way out, and use the cycles of the sun, the moon, or your own sleep paterns, but how different was yesterday from today? How different will tomorrow be from today or yesterday? Funny thing the human pattern. We wake up, have a coffee, eat the same breakfast, get in our car, drive the same way to our same parking spot at work, we work our same job, and take lunch at the same time, with the same people. We get off work, get back into our car, that is still in the same parking space, drive the same route back home, make dinner, watch the tv show that we tivo'd or whatnot, get back into our same bed, sleep, and do the same thing over the next day. How meaningful our grocery shopping becomes, our pre-scheduled break from monotony. Or weekends. Our time to get caught up on the things we have neglected due to our all encompassing work schedule. Those rare days, when you break from the monotony, what do we do? We do nothing. We sit in our house, watch tv, and do nothing, and not once wonder what we are missing outside in the real world. It is far to easy to sit back and passively allow life to take you over. How I love those days where you take control, do something different. Take the routine, and throw it out the window. Imagine what could happen if we simply broke the routine, and tried something new. Even just babysteps. Take the first left from your home tomorrow on the way to work. IF you were supposed to go left, go right. Live on the edge, add an extra block to your journey. Who knows what you might see or find or avoid! If we were all to break the shackles of our mundane existances, and actually participate on a daily basis in our lives instead of just plodding through the next hour, just making it to coffee break, just finishing this last email.....oh what a wonderful world it would if we could just stop, and enjoy the sweet smells of life, the soft touch of someone else, or the sounds of city living.

Yeah....sure...most of you will defend your lifestyles....but just take a small look inside yourself, and you will find a schedule that needs to be discarded if only for a moment, an hour, or a day.


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