This is post #80, not a moumental on or anything, it was more just a little item I noticed.
So anyhow, I was perusing blogs and I realized something. We are all little voyeurs. We peek into other peoples lives in order to catch a fleeting glimpse of what exactly? Do we look to see if they are doing well? Do we look to see if they are doing something naughty? Do we hope to sneak a peek of them at their most intimate moment? I wonder, if we really even care what happens to these people? I mean, if you heard on the news that the write from pointlesstochoose.blogspot.com died, would you even register that in your head? For most no. Actually, there are so few who read this, that maybe that is a bad point. They might notice.
However in the grander scheme of things, I wonder if we care, or we are just perverts in our own safe little way. Never really stepping too far outside our comfort zones and perusing the lives of others from the safety of the computer monitor. Never putting yourself too far out there, and never being caught for who you really are. The everyday normal damaged person we all are.
Oh well....I will keep peeking in on you, you, you and you, and at some point, maybe we can all have a beer at the same time in all our little corners of the world, and feel like somehow we really do matter to the other people in blog land. Or, we can just continue to peer from a distance and enjoy the perceptions we create for eachothers lives.
Thats all...its so hot....I cant think straight when it gets hot. I get edgy and agitated. I need to sleep. I have to work tomorrow.
So anyhow, I was perusing blogs and I realized something. We are all little voyeurs. We peek into other peoples lives in order to catch a fleeting glimpse of what exactly? Do we look to see if they are doing well? Do we look to see if they are doing something naughty? Do we hope to sneak a peek of them at their most intimate moment? I wonder, if we really even care what happens to these people? I mean, if you heard on the news that the write from pointlesstochoose.blogspot.com died, would you even register that in your head? For most no. Actually, there are so few who read this, that maybe that is a bad point. They might notice.
However in the grander scheme of things, I wonder if we care, or we are just perverts in our own safe little way. Never really stepping too far outside our comfort zones and perusing the lives of others from the safety of the computer monitor. Never putting yourself too far out there, and never being caught for who you really are. The everyday normal damaged person we all are.
Oh well....I will keep peeking in on you, you, you and you, and at some point, maybe we can all have a beer at the same time in all our little corners of the world, and feel like somehow we really do matter to the other people in blog land. Or, we can just continue to peer from a distance and enjoy the perceptions we create for eachothers lives.
Thats all...its so hot....I cant think straight when it gets hot. I get edgy and agitated. I need to sleep. I have to work tomorrow.