The World According to Me

Monday, June 26, 2006


This is post #80, not a moumental on or anything, it was more just a little item I noticed.

So anyhow, I was perusing blogs and I realized something. We are all little voyeurs. We peek into other peoples lives in order to catch a fleeting glimpse of what exactly? Do we look to see if they are doing well? Do we look to see if they are doing something naughty? Do we hope to sneak a peek of them at their most intimate moment? I wonder, if we really even care what happens to these people? I mean, if you heard on the news that the write from died, would you even register that in your head? For most no. Actually, there are so few who read this, that maybe that is a bad point. They might notice.

However in the grander scheme of things, I wonder if we care, or we are just perverts in our own safe little way. Never really stepping too far outside our comfort zones and perusing the lives of others from the safety of the computer monitor. Never putting yourself too far out there, and never being caught for who you really are. The everyday normal damaged person we all are.

Oh well....I will keep peeking in on you, you, you and you, and at some point, maybe we can all have a beer at the same time in all our little corners of the world, and feel like somehow we really do matter to the other people in blog land. Or, we can just continue to peer from a distance and enjoy the perceptions we create for eachothers lives.

Thats all...its so hot....I cant think straight when it gets hot. I get edgy and agitated. I need to sleep. I have to work tomorrow.


NHL Draft and other tidbits.

I attended the NHL Draft this past weekend. Made it on to TSN as well. You can see me behind Napoleon Dynamite when the Flames picked him with there late first round pick. The kid had to be a goalie because he just didn't look the part of a hockey player. Funny story though. I had left the tickets for the draft securely locked in my desk at work. With no way to get into my desk on a weekend, we decided to go down to GM place and try to buy some tickets to get in. No luck. Sold Out. So we went to the great bar known as The Shark Club. Right on Beatty. Yes go there. Please, go there. Great food, great service. Hot Waitresses. (sexist remarks are allowed on draft days, I dont make the rules, I just follow them. ) Anyhow, we are drinking a pitcher, eating a pizza, when a guy approaches us, and asks who won the Argentina-Mexico game. We tell him and he is elated. Few minutes later, a group of East Indian males approach us in the empty bar, and ask if we are watching the draft. We confirmed we were, and at that point the guy pulls out a stack of tickets and says, " A couple of our friends are jerking us around. Here are a couple of tickets have a good time." Well well tickets found we went to the draft, saw Wayne Gretzky in person, had Randy Carlyle standing beside us, and intruded upon a conversation between Dave Nonis and Brian Burke. All through the draft my lips were flapping...I should mention we snuck down to sit with the players and agents. IT was great, I was making cheap shots the whole time about GM's I didnt like, and the agents were howling. Ahhhh ever the showman......But alas it was a good day. Free hot dogs, free tickets, and puck bunnies galore.

World Cup update.....Argentina and Portugal still look great. England and Italy still look horrible.

On the home front....My daughter is spectacular. I know all parents gloat about their baby...but this one doesnt cry. I mean sure she cries when she is hungry or gassy, but that is it. The rest of the time, she sits contently with her mommy or daddy, and just sits....I have to admit, when she gives you that little cute girl look, she gets anything she wants. I just go out and buy stuff on a whim if she smiles the right way. She is a spoiled little girl already, but I dont think she knows it yet. I have some time to curb that before she recognizes it.

My quick rants...The US needs to quit bitching when two of their soldiers are tortured. When you operate a secret prison on an island that doesn't want you there, and you do not let people in to see how they captives are being treated, and you are holding them illegally, you really dont have anything to bitch about. Turn about is fair play.

If you don't understand homosexuality, don't hate it. I don't understand cold fusion, but you dont see me out hating it! Fucking Cold Fusion, someone should kill all cold fusionists.....its unnatural.

Stephen Harper, you are still a moronic sack of shit. Until such time as you get a platform that makes some sense, I will consider you a sack of shit. So far you have handed out money, and pissed off the Aboriginal people of Canada.....not a good start really.

Stupid heat. Too Hot. Brain overloads.

I need something to blog about on a more continual basis. Perhaps I will start to post my deviant sexual thoughts just as a way to disturb you all. I mean, is there really anything wrong with rape fantasies, anal sex, and school girl uniforms???

Monday, June 12, 2006

World Cup'06

Sure, it isn't as exciting as Italia 90, nor does it have the pinache of being so close to home as it was when the U.S. hosted it. Alas, it is here, and I am loving it.

I was sitting there watching the game with my daughter. Yes she is only 5 weeks old, but she already understands the nuances of the game. I was showing her how to take space when it is given, how to make diaganol runs, to know that ther eis going to always be "garbage" on every shot to the net or on every free kick. She gets it. I can tell. She is inherently a soccer player. She gets it from her dad. She was annoyed with Sweden when they weren't doing all the small things. She was excited to see Portugal make those nifty little passes. However she wasn't pleased with their finish. She was also taken aback by the lack of interest shown by the English.

Bless her soul. She gets it. She coos when she sees something she likes, and she likes the flashy brilliance of the Latin American teams, and she cries when she sees the lack lustre play of the Germans. It is great. She is going to learn from someone who knows there stuff, I am going to show her how to anticipate, how to see 5 passes ahead of the game. Soccer is like chess. There is a flow to the game that has a natural progression, and when you are in tune to it, you can anticipate it. Figo, Maradonna, Pele all had or have the intuition. Elayne will have the intuition.

Anyhow. I am going to make a bold statement. Mexico will shock the world and go a long ways. Australia could make the upset and go to the next round. England will stutter, the Germans will putter, and Portugal or the Czechs are going to win this thing. GO PORTUGAL!

Saturday, June 10, 2006



Sorry about that whole not being around thing.

I know, I should have written. Let you know I was ok. I have just been busy. This new baby takes a lot out of me. I should tell you though, that she is incredible. She amazes me everyday. I never thought I could fall in love so quickly, so powerfully as I did with this tiny little girl. I am a lucky lucky man.

Again. I am sorry for leaving you out in the cold. If it is any consolation, I have thought about you.