The World According to Me

Monday, February 13, 2006

Insert extreme profanity here!

Nothing like having a weekend ruined by two complete frigging morons.

I had to wait around my house all day Saturday, missing out on my best friend's spouses b-day because I was supposed to have dinner guests that night. Dinner guests that had been invited for quite some time, so I could not change my plans and go to this b-day function. So all day Saturday there was cooking, and cleaning, and tidying, and making the place pretty, and we called them a few times during the day, with no response, but clearly, you dont just not show up when you know you are supposed to be somewhere for dinner. Anyhow, messages were left, and we awaited....and then we waited....and then we waited some more. Ooooh guess what, nobody shows up. So I luckily had increased the food capacity minimally and invited over my sister and her boyfriend, in the OFF CHANCE they completely jammed on us, at least the evening would be a total loss. . Luckily my sister at least showed up with her b/f and we ate the meal.

Is it wrong for me to be pissed about this incident? I mean sure, perhaps they had better things to do, I know I sure did. However at least I had the deceny to make a meal, can you imagine if I just change my mind went to the b-day thing, and they had showed up? Not nice at all.

Anyhow I am pissed, so being pissed, I am going to talk about Stephen Harper....

Stephen Harper is a two faced maniacal fool. Don't get me wrong, it isnt that I am against the Conservatives entirely, as I could be swayed to vote for them if Peter McKay was the leader, it is just that Stephen Harper is the embodiment of ignorance. He still believes that most Canadians wish to oppress minorities. He somehow has found a group of people to hang out with, that feels it is ok to judge Gays, people of color, and those that dont share his beliefs.

Last time I checked, if you count out the groups he is alienating, we are the majority. It is sad to say but there are a few people who think it is acceptable to discriminate against gays because they are not gay themselves. It is funnier to know that half of those people are women. Women who were once discriminated against. It again comes back to the fact that people are so ignorant as to assume that discrimination is fair as long as it isn't them. When we discriminate against our minorities, we discriminate against our society as a whole. We step backwards into a social quagmire that I certainly don't want to be a part of. Stephen Harper has no heart. Look at the man. Did you see the great photo-op when he took his kids to school the day after winning a minority govt? He shook his kids hands! Can you believe that? That is the man leading our country. His pre-adolescent children get dropped off at school with a cold handshake.

Stephen Harper has no agenda for Canada, he only preached a message of change from the Liberal way of thinking. In his first day of office, Harper bribed a member to cross the floor. Isn't this what he screamed about for days on end when Belinda Stronnock left his party? Double Standard. Then he appoints an unelected member into his caucus, appoints him to the senate, and tells everyone to stuff it. First off, he preached ELECTORAL SENATE. First appointment to the senate is day 1. LIAR. Secondly, it is insane that someone handling a Ministerial position is not in the house to answer questions. He will be free from the other political parties questioning and will answer to nobody. Another nice shot for democracy, and accountability. Stephen Harper preached accountability and ethics. Now he has proven he has none. Would someone please stand up, and show Mr.Harper the door, so that Peter McKay can lead this party. Someone with a shred of decency, and some form of leadership needs to be in command. It is just a rant of mine sure, and those that believe in Conservatism and all its hatred can go on and hate me as well, but when you become the minority that is being singled out, please go fuck yourself, because I told you it was going to happen.

End Comm.


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