Oh is happening again, I feel as though I need to puke on my here comes some more off the wall shit in no particular order, with all spelling and grammatical errors left as they are, because I am going to type this fast, and hope I dont miss a thing.......
Stepehen Harper you are a two faced backstabbing no good piece of shit that just proved you are as ethical as you are human. Please note that Stephen looks, and acts a hell of a lot like a ro bot, so that is sarcasm, please do not explain to me that he is human, it will just devalue my rant.
I am getting old, I actually turned off my satellite radio in outrage the other day. Some dumb bitch was going on about the webpage, and it infuriated me. For someone to hide behind the veil of religion and to spew such hate makes me wonder why my all powerful supreme being doesnt just make mincemeat of her in some sort of freakish electrical storm.
Opie and make me giggle. I am going to spread the virus, and I suggest you make me rich while I do it. Ron and guys are pretty damn funny yourselves....
The Olympics start today....I know, I dont care either, I just saw something about them on the tv today. Wake me up if Canada is in the gold medal hockey game. Aside from that, maybe I will watch the aerials or something.
Why is it so hard for the religious right of the world to admit they are wrong. Why is it so hard for them to look past their "faith" and examine the basis of that faith? Why don't they ever open their mind the other possibilities, and expand their relationship with god? Why would an all knowing, all powerful being want to be surrounded by those that simply follow blindly? Would that being not prefer someone who believes but is kicking and screaming the whole way, questioning every detail to its minutia in an effort to fully understand? Oh wait, I is all about getting your money, not actually spreading the word of your higher being. My bad.
Catholics suck. I know that is a gross blanket statement, but to refuse to acknowledge that condoms save lives, and that birth control is a NECESSITY, makes me angry. You will protect your pedophilic little bastard priests, but you wont protect the women of your faith. Think what you want, but God is not happy with you Mr. Pope. My God wants you to love and protect all, not just those people you deem worthy.
Holy cripes! What is with the Muslims now? Sure, I would be outraged too, but at some point you just have to realize that ignorance is not an acceptable reason for killing. They may have insulted your prophet, or simply just yourself, but you just killed, and burned, and destroyed a piece of society. There is not a religion in the world that condones murder and destruction, in any name.
Why can we not just all get along? I think my new church is the answer....The 7th Day Adventurists. We are gonna go bungee jumping, and skydiving on sundays. That should get us closer to god, and at times, we may even get to meet the big guy if we make an error.
Love is not the answer, hate is not the solution. War only creates more war, and the distances that are between us are only as small as the unspoken thoughts in our minds. IF we were to get passed the preconceived notions of what we believe, and instead ask the questions to ensure that we have the knowledge, we would all be living in a better world.
Oh, I know, fuck you. Yeah...FUCK YOU. I am so sick of the ignorant people in this world. So I say FUCK YOU! Sometimes you just cant find the love for everyone, and those are the ones that maybe should perish. Sure, it is a double standard, but since I am the one who is trying to set the standard I make the rules dammit.
I am going to the boat show now. I won't buy a boat, but I will dream about it. Sometimes it is fun to have a date with your dad, even if you are 32.
Its cold, I dont like chocolate as much as I used to, occasional oral sex would be nice, I like salad, the canucks piss me off, I think everyone should own a sattelite radio, I hope this new business takes off, I hate my job, I dont sleep anymore, I am pretty sure that someone is conspiring against me, I think we are closer to a nuclear incident then most want to accept, I want to go back to vegas, I love texas holdem, babies are fucking scary, I have started to swear again, I have less patience then before, I want the Nissan Versa, mmmmmmm bacon, I just want to nap, why dont people understand that uranium is the next big stock play, ok maybe ethanol, but one of them guys, I love stocks, sometimes I think I just need to get drunk for fun for old times sake, I would like new golf clubs, Have you ever been walking down a street, and thought how different your life will be if you turn left instead of going straight, and if you ended up turning left to find out, do you wonder what would have happened if you went straight? What if it is all pre-determined, and it is all inconsequential? What a waste when we find out we are nothing in the grand scheme of things. We are but a dot within a cosmos that we do not even comprehend. The vastness of the space that surrounds us we cannot even wrap our little heads around. We still think Africa is far away, when there are planets and stars that are so far away we cannot reach them in a single life time.....bah....once day we die, and it goes black, or we have infinite knowledge. I guess either way, you have the infinite was all for this, or all for nothing.
I am issuing a strong buy on YHOO right now.
Stepehen Harper you are a two faced backstabbing no good piece of shit that just proved you are as ethical as you are human. Please note that Stephen looks, and acts a hell of a lot like a ro bot, so that is sarcasm, please do not explain to me that he is human, it will just devalue my rant.
I am getting old, I actually turned off my satellite radio in outrage the other day. Some dumb bitch was going on about the webpage, and it infuriated me. For someone to hide behind the veil of religion and to spew such hate makes me wonder why my all powerful supreme being doesnt just make mincemeat of her in some sort of freakish electrical storm.
Opie and make me giggle. I am going to spread the virus, and I suggest you make me rich while I do it. Ron and guys are pretty damn funny yourselves....
The Olympics start today....I know, I dont care either, I just saw something about them on the tv today. Wake me up if Canada is in the gold medal hockey game. Aside from that, maybe I will watch the aerials or something.
Why is it so hard for the religious right of the world to admit they are wrong. Why is it so hard for them to look past their "faith" and examine the basis of that faith? Why don't they ever open their mind the other possibilities, and expand their relationship with god? Why would an all knowing, all powerful being want to be surrounded by those that simply follow blindly? Would that being not prefer someone who believes but is kicking and screaming the whole way, questioning every detail to its minutia in an effort to fully understand? Oh wait, I is all about getting your money, not actually spreading the word of your higher being. My bad.
Catholics suck. I know that is a gross blanket statement, but to refuse to acknowledge that condoms save lives, and that birth control is a NECESSITY, makes me angry. You will protect your pedophilic little bastard priests, but you wont protect the women of your faith. Think what you want, but God is not happy with you Mr. Pope. My God wants you to love and protect all, not just those people you deem worthy.
Holy cripes! What is with the Muslims now? Sure, I would be outraged too, but at some point you just have to realize that ignorance is not an acceptable reason for killing. They may have insulted your prophet, or simply just yourself, but you just killed, and burned, and destroyed a piece of society. There is not a religion in the world that condones murder and destruction, in any name.
Why can we not just all get along? I think my new church is the answer....The 7th Day Adventurists. We are gonna go bungee jumping, and skydiving on sundays. That should get us closer to god, and at times, we may even get to meet the big guy if we make an error.
Love is not the answer, hate is not the solution. War only creates more war, and the distances that are between us are only as small as the unspoken thoughts in our minds. IF we were to get passed the preconceived notions of what we believe, and instead ask the questions to ensure that we have the knowledge, we would all be living in a better world.
Oh, I know, fuck you. Yeah...FUCK YOU. I am so sick of the ignorant people in this world. So I say FUCK YOU! Sometimes you just cant find the love for everyone, and those are the ones that maybe should perish. Sure, it is a double standard, but since I am the one who is trying to set the standard I make the rules dammit.
I am going to the boat show now. I won't buy a boat, but I will dream about it. Sometimes it is fun to have a date with your dad, even if you are 32.
Its cold, I dont like chocolate as much as I used to, occasional oral sex would be nice, I like salad, the canucks piss me off, I think everyone should own a sattelite radio, I hope this new business takes off, I hate my job, I dont sleep anymore, I am pretty sure that someone is conspiring against me, I think we are closer to a nuclear incident then most want to accept, I want to go back to vegas, I love texas holdem, babies are fucking scary, I have started to swear again, I have less patience then before, I want the Nissan Versa, mmmmmmm bacon, I just want to nap, why dont people understand that uranium is the next big stock play, ok maybe ethanol, but one of them guys, I love stocks, sometimes I think I just need to get drunk for fun for old times sake, I would like new golf clubs, Have you ever been walking down a street, and thought how different your life will be if you turn left instead of going straight, and if you ended up turning left to find out, do you wonder what would have happened if you went straight? What if it is all pre-determined, and it is all inconsequential? What a waste when we find out we are nothing in the grand scheme of things. We are but a dot within a cosmos that we do not even comprehend. The vastness of the space that surrounds us we cannot even wrap our little heads around. We still think Africa is far away, when there are planets and stars that are so far away we cannot reach them in a single life time.....bah....once day we die, and it goes black, or we have infinite knowledge. I guess either way, you have the infinite was all for this, or all for nothing.
I am issuing a strong buy on YHOO right now.
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Krista, at 10:03 AM
Wow...that was quite the blog! I know I for one was intrigued!
Nelly, at 10:26 PM
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